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USANews版 - mdrosophila的意思就是自戕自毁,腾地方给黑墨三穆
周一凌晨上午6:30,一名St.C女生在学校附近被黑人强奸 (转载)So many Chinese on this board openly claim racism towards blacks and hispanics
讲点对黑人的看法黑人学校和黑人世界的真相 - Chris Jackson (转载)
哈哈哈,我也来列一下哪些是右派认为的左臂砸烂政治正确, make america white again!
Race differences in average IQ are largely genetic (转载)这是美国黑人的犯罪率
aa下谁是牺牲品?白妞论华人的自贱和自恨。 (转载)
Surprise! Black immigrants have more college education than Asians and whites.所有持反对意见的人都在missing a point (转载)
年薪百万的地方工会主席 (转载)我支持给Ferguson警察判处死刑
话题: our话题: blacks话题: asians话题: ok话题: whites
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 6858
发帖数: 3299
You are mistaking me. My major point is that we need more chance in the work
places and should not whine the welfare of this country, for we are quite
successful in educating our kids and many of us, our parents, brothers and
sisters enjoy the benefit of the welfare as well. The opportunity to get a
good job, and the chance to get promoted, have the most relevance to our
life economically and very important to enhance our social status. We may
succeed on this when we speak our concerns in a collective way by pressing
politicians to pass laws in our favor . In contrast, we are not the
determining factor of the welfare policy and have few influence on this. Why
do we want to spend our limited time and efforts on something beyond our
The above conclusion is based on my realization of the following fact I
posted before in another thread.
...Asians have already performed fantastically in schools, having a
enrolling rate of up to 25% in some ivory schools, 5 times above the 5% of
Asians in the general population . It is not wise to continue to expand our
success in the education field by taking more chance of getting into the
good schools from other races. It will backfire.
However, our performance in the work places, mainly in white-collar fields,
is far from ideal, to say the least. In those fields, the covert, sometime
overt, bias from the whites present a hurdle to get us hired and promoted,
for the whites are the dominant force in those fields right now. Blacks,
mainly in sports and entertainment fields, mostly do not compete with us.
This is why I do not hold too much resent towards them. I conclude that the
racism coming from the whites is our most urgent concern not the black
racism, in contrary to the many believers here.

【在 R****a 的大作中提到】
: mdrosophila的意思就是要让华人自轻自贱自戕自毁,断子绝孙,然后送自己的女眷给
: 黑穆三墨享用玩弄,接着腾出自己的房产给黑穆三墨抽大麻喝酒吃BBQ,最后给华人立
: 个普世博爱的牌坊当墓碑。

发帖数: 4091


【在 m*********a 的大作中提到】
: You are mistaking me. My major point is that we need more chance in the work
: places and should not whine the welfare of this country, for we are quite
: successful in educating our kids and many of us, our parents, brothers and
: sisters enjoy the benefit of the welfare as well. The opportunity to get a
: good job, and the chance to get promoted, have the most relevance to our
: life economically and very important to enhance our social status. We may
: succeed on this when we speak our concerns in a collective way by pressing
: politicians to pass laws in our favor . In contrast, we are not the
: determining factor of the welfare policy and have few influence on this. Why
: do we want to spend our limited time and efforts on something beyond our

发帖数: 6858
发帖数: 3299
I found the logic of your reasoning incoherent.
There is absolutely no evidence to support that blacks commit crimes
specifically towards Asians. Majority of victims of crimes committed by
blacks are blacks, followed by whites, and to a much less extent Asians.
It is true that blacks are notorious in their crime rate. But it is false
that they prefer to prey on Asians than other races.

【在 c******i 的大作中提到】
: 你故意混淆正规职场里的隐性竞争歧视和真实生活里针对华人的街头犯罪。
: 承认吧,邓贵大和犯罪寄生粪子是你梦中的小二黑。
: 呵呵
: work
: Why

发帖数: 3299
It seems that looking down blacks are ok for you. I bet you are not brave
enough to proclaim this idea in your work place for the fear that you will
be fired. So you have to hide behind a computer monitor, like a coward, to
vent your frustration by furiously typing on a keyboard. If you are truly
believing in the anti-black racism, do it openly, as most brave men and
women will do.

【在 R****a 的大作中提到】
: 没错,你说的意思我懂。就是说明明华人学习好,工作努力,但是却永远得不到晋升,
: 升不到高位,因为高位要留给黑墨三穆。你们黑魔三穆那是高级种姓,我们华人是低级
: 的,所以就活该如此。华人居然还敢取消黑人大爷,简直是反了。恩

发帖数: 4091

【在 m*********a 的大作中提到】
: I found the logic of your reasoning incoherent.
: There is absolutely no evidence to support that blacks commit crimes
: specifically towards Asians. Majority of victims of crimes committed by
: blacks are blacks, followed by whites, and to a much less extent Asians.
: It is true that blacks are notorious in their crime rate. But it is false
: that they prefer to prey on Asians than other races.

发帖数: 612


【在 m*********a 的大作中提到】
: You are mistaking me. My major point is that we need more chance in the work
: places and should not whine the welfare of this country, for we are quite
: successful in educating our kids and many of us, our parents, brothers and
: sisters enjoy the benefit of the welfare as well. The opportunity to get a
: good job, and the chance to get promoted, have the most relevance to our
: life economically and very important to enhance our social status. We may
: succeed on this when we speak our concerns in a collective way by pressing
: politicians to pass laws in our favor . In contrast, we are not the
: determining factor of the welfare policy and have few influence on this. Why
: do we want to spend our limited time and efforts on something beyond our

发帖数: 2324
OK, here is the DEAL:
1. Looking down Blacks is OK for me. Yes, it's OK for me. As you also admit,
they are notorius for committing crime. They don't deserve my respect. Yes,
it's Politically incorrect! I know.
2. You are right that Chinese is very successful, we should focus on getting
our positions in working space. I would say, we need to fight on both front
lines. Don't lose our edge in education market, as we fought hard for it,
now let's fight in the working space.
我相信老祖宗的一句话: 人生如逆水行舟, 不进则退。 不管在学校, 在公司, 在
政界, 我们都要记住这句话。


【在 m*********a 的大作中提到】
: You are mistaking me. My major point is that we need more chance in the work
: places and should not whine the welfare of this country, for we are quite
: successful in educating our kids and many of us, our parents, brothers and
: sisters enjoy the benefit of the welfare as well. The opportunity to get a
: good job, and the chance to get promoted, have the most relevance to our
: life economically and very important to enhance our social status. We may
: succeed on this when we speak our concerns in a collective way by pressing
: politicians to pass laws in our favor . In contrast, we are not the
: determining factor of the welfare policy and have few influence on this. Why
: do we want to spend our limited time and efforts on something beyond our

发帖数: 6858


【在 C****n 的大作中提到】
: OK, here is the DEAL:
: 1. Looking down Blacks is OK for me. Yes, it's OK for me. As you also admit,
: they are notorius for committing crime. They don't deserve my respect. Yes,
: it's Politically incorrect! I know.
: 2. You are right that Chinese is very successful, we should focus on getting
: our positions in working space. I would say, we need to fight on both front
: lines. Don't lose our edge in education market, as we fought hard for it,
: now let's fight in the working space.
: 我相信老祖宗的一句话: 人生如逆水行舟, 不进则退。 不管在学校, 在公司, 在
: 政界, 我们都要记住这句话。

1 (共1页)
我支持给Ferguson警察判处死刑Race differences in average IQ are largely genetic (转载)
3000伪币打赌: Trump共和党里面都不可能出现aa下谁是牺牲品?
建议以后大家填种族的时候,选blackSurprise! Black immigrants have more college education than Asians and whites.
Trump上台后的移民改革,移民政策问题年薪百万的地方工会主席 (转载)
周一凌晨上午6:30,一名St.C女生在学校附近被黑人强奸 (转载)So many Chinese on this board openly claim racism towards blacks and hispanics
讲点对黑人的看法黑人学校和黑人世界的真相 - Chris Jackson (转载)
哈哈哈,我也来列一下哪些是右派认为的左臂砸烂政治正确, make america white again!
话题: our话题: blacks话题: asians话题: ok话题: whites