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USANews版 - Former Abortion Lobbyist Nabbed in Pedophile Sex Sting
左派杂志开始为娈童癖辩护了牛大发了,6千lobbyist work on税改
Facts:奥巴马到底有没有从oil company和lobbyist拿钱Pro-life, really?
Obama Lobbyist Hypocrisy一条龙服务, 不光避孕要免费,流产也要免费
This ACORN lawyer's recordPro-Life Family No Longer Forced to Pay Obamacare 'Abortion Surcharge'
Dems outpace GOP in lobbyist cash race一女权主义者堕胎因为她怀的孩子是男性
话题: swirling话题: sting话题: detective话题: sex话题: nabbed
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 29846
by Jammie
We imagine if he got the 12-year-old of his dreams pregnant he’d have some
connections to help arrange the abortion. Strange, but outside of the
Washington Examiner, no other media seems interested in reporting this story
. Why is that?
Swirling is the third white-collar worker — including an FBI analyst —
to be arrested in the sting in less than six weeks.
Swirling served as executive director of the American School Counselor
Association and the National Family Planning & Reproductive Health
Association before starting his own law firm construction business 10 years
ago, according to his website’s biography.
According to charging papers:
Swirling answered an online advertisement on Monday that had been placed
by a task force made up of D.C. police officers and FBI agents.
The detective wrote that he was a “taboo dad” with a “12-year-old
girl, very perverted.”
Swirling, using the screen name “squiggles 12353,” responded, “
Kindered [sic] spirts.”
Over several hours, the two men traded emails discussing their interests
in underage girls and traded photos of young girls, including that of the
detective’s purported 12-year-old daughter.
The undercover detective offered to have Swirling meet the girl in
Northwest Washington after she got home from school.
Swirling agreed but backed off that evening. “I am sure you can imagine
that I am a bit concerned about a sting,” he wrote.
Those concerns couldn’t overcome his yearning for little girls. Lock this
creep up forever.
1 (共1页)
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Ohio Moves To Ban Abortion 6 Weeks After ConceptionDems outpace GOP in lobbyist cash race
killing babies is OK... oh but walls are immoral!巴马带来的改变:“只有在今天的华盛顿,才有总统绕过自己宣称的不许雇用游说人的禁令,雇用游说公司的老板”
左派杂志开始为娈童癖辩护了牛大发了,6千lobbyist work on税改
Facts:奥巴马到底有没有从oil company和lobbyist拿钱Pro-life, really?
话题: swirling话题: sting话题: detective话题: sex话题: nabbed