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USANews版 - 当年小克办了Assault Rifle以后谋杀案和死亡率有下降吗?
Bill Clinton Reportedly Has a New ‘Secret’ Buxom Blonde Mistress2014年执勤中被害的警察数量上升了89%
喜拉痢看来就是psychopath94年assault weapon ban如何
Hillary也是性情中人,呵呵Shootings kill 16 people in Mexican border city
CLINTON CAMPAIGN: If 'whopper' email is published by WikiLeaks in next 2 days, 'it's probably a fake印象里黑人区从没有发生过mass killing
为什么有法不执行,但却要搞新的法律出来?来再给gun男们提供点弹药 -Teen killed in shooting outside D (转载)
Assault weapons kill more people?这个yahoo comment说的很好 (转载)
15 Year Old Defends Home With An Assault RifleBenghazi Victim's Mom: Obama, Hillary 'Killed my Kid'
看看美国谋杀前15名都是些什么城市Detroit basketball court shooting
话题: clinton话题: mass话题: bill话题: assault话题: kessler
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 301
发帖数: 29846
我看到一个文章,马上转过来. 我觉得只是说明两者没有什么联系.
发帖数: 29846
Bill Clinton Whopper: 'Half of All Mass Killings in the U.S. Have Occurred
Since the Assault Weapons Ban Expired in 2005'
By Tom Blumer | January 14, 2013 | 09:43
Tom Blumer's picture
While it's not exactly news when former President Bill Clinton fails to tell
the truth (after all, the first count on which he was impeached concerned
his lying under oath in grand jury testimony), a whopper he hauled out at
the Consumer Electronics show last Wednesday concerning gun violence was so
over the top that it deserves far more notice than most of the establishment
press will give it.
One of the reports on what Clinton said was at Thursday morning's New York
Daily News. As an aside, the paper's online article looks more like what one
would find at issues advocacy blogs than what you would hope to see at a
real newspaper's web site; this particular item pleads with readers within
ASSAULT WEAPONS," and the petition itself appears below Kristen Lee's report
. Lee relayed what Clinton said at the Consumer Electronics show on January
Former President Bill Clinton pushes for stricter gun control during
Consumer Electronics Show speech
Former President Bill Clinton was a surprise guest on Wednesday at the
International Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, where he seized his
opportunity to make a push for greater gun control during a speech about
“I grew up in this hunting culture, but this is nuts,” the Arkansas
native said. “Why does anybody need a 30 round clip for a gun? Why does
anybody need one of those things that carries 100 bullets?”
... During Clinton’s speech on Wednesday, the former president seemed
to favor reinstating the federal assault weapons that expired 10 years after
he signed into law in 1994.
“Half of all mass killings in the United States have occurred since the
assault weapons ban expired in 2005,” he said. “Half of all of them in
the history of the country.”
The Washington Post's Glenn Kessler fact checked Clinton's "half of all mass
killings" assertion on Friday, and in essence found it utterly lacking any
basis (HT Powerline via Instapundit; bolds are mine):
Bill Clinton’s over-the-top ‘fact’ on mass shootings
... Grant Duwe, director of research and evaluation at the Minnesota
Department of Corrections, assembled a data set going back 100 years for a
2007 book titled, “Mass Murder in the United States: A History.” He used
the FBI Supplementary Homicide Reports, which date from 1976, and then
supplemented the FBI reports with news reports (principally The New York
Times) dating from 1900.
Duwe says the Times turned out to be a relatively reliable guide for
mass murders across the country, since much of the post-1976 information
also turned up in the contemporaneous FBI reports. As far as he knows, he is
the only person who has assembled such a historical data set.
According to his research, he has identified 156 mass public shootings
in the United States in the past 100 years. Duwe defines a mass public
shooting as an incident in which four or more victims are killed publicly
with guns within 24 hours — in the workplace, schools, restaurants and
other public places — excluding shootings in connection with crimes such as
robbery, drugs or gangs. (Note that this would exclude a number of “mass
murders” that sometimes get lumped into the data, such as the Beltway
sniper who killed 10 people over a three-week period in 2002.)
Since 2005, when the assault ban expired, there have been 32 such mass
public shootings, including seven in 2012, Duwe said. So that’s just over
20 percent of all mass public shootings, which is much less than Clinton’s
50 percent.
... It is important to note that these are raw figures; the United
States had far fewer people 50 or 100 years ago.
... We ran this data past a spokesman for Clinton, but he declined to
comment or offer an explanation for where the former president got his facts
. That always makes us suspicious.
Note that the Beltway Sniper murders occurred during the decade when the "
assault weapons" ban was in place.
Therefore, Bill Clinton assertion is wrong -- by a factor of 2.5 (50%
divided by 20%) -- even before considering that Duwe's research excludes
about 120 years of America's existence.
Kessler further notes that Mother Jones, using data only dating back to 1982
, i.e., excluding 200 years of U.S. history, was only able to get to 40
Kessler, who has an annoying habit of being an easy grader on demonstrably
false leftist claims, gave Clinton's statement only "three Pinocchios" ("
Significant factual error and/or obvious contradictions") with a pathetic
excuse: "Given the fuzziness of the data and questions about definitions, we
are going to cut Clinton a bit of slack in the final ruling."
Horse manure. Clinton's reckless claim is a four-Pinocchio "whopper" (
Kessler's definition). Yet Kessler appears to be virtually alone in the
establishment press in even challenging it.
Cross-posted at BizzyBlog.com.
发帖数: 12995
2011年长枪(包括所有种类的长枪,栓动,半自动和所谓的Assault Rifle,但不包括霰
你说禁这个assault rifle能有多大影响?
发帖数: 2277

【在 s*******n 的大作中提到】
: 2011年长枪(包括所有种类的长枪,栓动,半自动和所谓的Assault Rifle,但不包括霰
: 弹枪)总共杀死323人。
: 你说禁这个assault rifle能有多大影响?
: 对比一下,同样2011年用手和脚之类的杀死的人是728人

1 (共1页)
Detroit basketball court shooting为什么有法不执行,但却要搞新的法律出来?
Chicago Killing同比上升84%Assault weapons kill more people?
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Former Navy SEAL:"Hillary Clinton Killed My Friends’看看美国谋杀前15名都是些什么城市
Bill Clinton Reportedly Has a New ‘Secret’ Buxom Blonde Mistress2014年执勤中被害的警察数量上升了89%
喜拉痢看来就是psychopath94年assault weapon ban如何
Hillary也是性情中人,呵呵Shootings kill 16 people in Mexican border city
CLINTON CAMPAIGN: If 'whopper' email is published by WikiLeaks in next 2 days, 'it's probably a fake印象里黑人区从没有发生过mass killing
话题: clinton话题: mass话题: bill话题: assault话题: kessler