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USANews版 - 只有39%美国人对国家现状评价正面,达到1979年卡特政府以来的最低点
Gallup: Only 8% of Americans Have 'Great Deal' of Trust in News Media--a New Low
Gallup: Americans Who Think We'll Be Worse Off Doubled in 4 Yrs
Majority Disapproves of Debt-Ceiling Agreement in One-Day Poll
CBS Poll: Most Americans Back Arizona Immigration Law
47 percent Americans think Obama as a spoiled child
NBC: Hey That Lincoln Movie Reminds Us of How Great Obama Is
话题: americans话题: percent话题: gallup话题: positive话题: five
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发帖数: 29846
Gallup: American Optimism Hits Lowest Point Since Carter Administration
WASHINGTON (CBS DC) – Fewer than four-in-10 Americans (39 percent) rate the
US in a positive manner – the most negative feedback the country has
produced since 1979.
A new Gallup poll finds that Americans are as negative about the country’s
prospects as they have been in more than three decades. Americans are more
upbeat in their predictions of where the U.S. will be in five years (48
percent positive), but this is the lowest rating since an August 1979 Gallup
poll was conducted.
The negativity about the current state of the US has a politically partisan
split – Republicans stated that the country’s best days have already
passed and Democrats say the best days have not happened yet. Seventy-five
percent of Democrats gave positive reviews of how the nation will be five
years from now, but only 15 percent of Republicans were positive – a 60
percent partisan gap.
As a whole, fifty-five percent of Americans say the state of the nation five
years ago was positive.
This most recent data was included in Gallup’s Mood of the Nation survey,
which was conducted from Jan. 7-10 of this year. The information based on a
ladder scale question Gallup has used periodically since 1959. This question
asks Americans to rate their feelings about the country presently, in five
years, and five years ago using a zero to 10 scale in which zero equals the
worst possible situation and 10 equals the best possible situation.
The 39 percent of Americans who give a six to 10 rating when asked to
evaluate the nation’s current status is similar to the 37 percent who said
the same three years ago. These ratings of current conditions coincide with
Americans’ assessment of satisfaction with the way things are going in the
U.S., which is only at 25 percent in the same poll and below the historical
average satisfaction rating.
The three previous points in time when ratings were as low as or lower than
the 2013 rating were in August 1979 (34 percent), April 1974 (33 percent),
and January 1971 (39 percent).
In the past, assessments have been more positive – 73 percent of Americans
gave positive ratings in January 2001, which was the highest rating in
Gallup poll history.
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NBC: Hey That Lincoln Movie Reminds Us of How Great Obama Is
Rasmussen: 48% Prefer Tea Party to Congress
79% of Chicago 8th Graders Not Proficient in Reading
谁是共和党领袖:Trump 58% Ryan 39%
话题: americans话题: percent话题: gallup话题: positive话题: five