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USANews版 - Jon Stewart shoots self in foot
Which culture do we blame this time?
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Jon steward都抬出来了
左派Jon Stewart也反水了
Jon Stewart有时候还能讲点真话
话题: costas话题: stewart话题: head话题: bullet话题: gun
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发帖数: 29846
Jon Stewart shoots self in foot while talking gun control with sportcaster
Bob Costas
By Lisa de Moraes
Bob Costas (Mike Coppola - GETTY IMAGES) Jon Stewart shot himself in the
foot on Monday's "Daily Show" when he interviewed Bob Costas about the gun
control comments
the sportscaster had made during a football game, landing Costas in hot
water last month.
During Costas's appearance on the Comedy Central show, Stewart wondered what
it was like to be at the epicenter of the gun control argument.
Costas set off a firestorm during his halftime slot of an NBC Sunday
football broadcast in early December when he discussed the previous day's
suicide of Jovan Belcher; the Kansas City Chiefs linebacker shot himself Dec
. 1 after killing the mother of his baby daughter, using his legally
registered gun.
Among other comments last month, Costas read from a column by Fox Sports
columnist Jason Whitlock: "If Jovan Belcher didn't
possess a gun, he and Kasandra Perkins would both be alive today." Much hoo-
ha followed, in which some industry navel-lint
pickers debated whether NBC should sack Costas.
Costas told Stewart he’d been let off the hook when “Newtown happened.”
The slaughter of 20 elementary school children, and several adults, “as
horribly tragic as that was, if it did redirect the debate and people are
now at least somewhat more willing to think about this rationally and
compassionately…then that is a good thing.”
While we contemplated how many ways Costas could have put that less
chillingly, Costas continued his blah, blah, blah.
“How do we change the culture then?” Stewart asked earnestly. “Is it that
guns look cool? Is it real self protection? Is it real Second Amendment
rights, or the idea, ‘I’ve seen enough movies to know if I go in somewhere
and do this?” Stewart asked, making a gun-in-hand
hipster gesture.
This is a slippery slope for Stewart, given that any discussion of gun
culture invariably touches on violent movies and videogames and that his
show is one of advertisers' fave places to promote those products because he
attracts a high concentration of young male viewers.
And, sure enough, Costas went there:
"Right now, everywhere you look there is a commercial for a . . . Sly
Stallone movie called 'Bullet to the Head,' " Costas responded.
This was awkward because, immediately before Costas came on stage to chat
with Stewart, "The Daily Show" ran a "Bullet to the Head" ad.
"Bullet to the Head," as its title suggests, stars Stallone as a hitman who
teams with a young Washington detective after they're brought together by
two vicious murders; together they exact Revenge.
It was the show's second ad break. The first one featured a commercial for
another guys-with-big-guns flick: "A Good Day to Die Hard," in which Bruce
Willis reprises his John McClane role - this time traveling to Russia to get
his son out of the slammer, only to become caught up in a terrorist plot.
(The third and final ad break featured a plug for yet another guys-with-big-
guns flick, "Snitch." Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson plays a dad who cuts a deal
with the U.S. attorney's office to infiltrate a drug cartel after his son is
wrongfully arrested for distributing drugs and sentenced to 10 years in the
hoosegow - though we had no way of knowing that while Costas was prattling
away about "Bullet to the Head.")
Anyway, the reference to a media landscape littered with "Bullet to the Head
" ads seemed to make Stewart uncomfortable. Or maybe we're giving him too
much credit.
"That's a working title," Stewart began to joke/soft-shoe, adding: "Once you
've thrown Mama from the train, what difference does it make."
Costas chuckled. "There are many aspects to this," he acknowledged.
The moment was gone.
1 (共1页)
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话题: costas话题: stewart话题: head话题: bullet话题: gun