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USANews版 - Vogue Editor Wintour’s Boyfriend Owes $1.2 Million in Taxes
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话题: bryan话题: wintour话题: million话题: vogue话题: president
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Vogue Editor Wintour’s Boyfriend Owes $1.2 Million in Taxes
January 30, 2013 by Warner Todd Huston
Only a month ago, Vogue editor Anna Wintour was being floated as an ideal
candidate to become President Obama’s next ambassador to Britain but now
the fashionista is in the news for another reason. A British newspaper has
found that her boyfriend, J. Shelby Bryan, owes $1.2 million in back taxes
to the IRS.
Despite owing the IRS such a hefty amount–he is also in arrears in Texas–
Bryan was a high dollar fundraiser for President Obama’s 2012 re-election
campaign. The socialite was also close to President Clinton serving on his
Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board in 1996.
Bryan’s past due taxes are nothing new, either. He’s owed the money to the
IRS since 2006.
Wintour and Bryan have been together since 1999 after he divorced his last
wife leaving him with a hefty bankroll but in late 2000 he lost some $60
million because of bad investments in ICG Communications.
It wasn’t just his own money that Bryan lost, either. As the CEO of the
company he also had a hand in losing $460 million of investor’s money and
that is on top of the $2 billion in debt with which he saddled the company.
Under his guidance, in October of 2000ICG stock went from $28 a share to 62
When questioned by the Daily Telegraph, Bryan blamed “office confusion”
and people in his employ that weren’t “doing their jobs” for his failure
to pay his tax bills.
Bryan’s tax debt could impact Wintour’s confirmation as Obama’s next
ambassador to Britain should the President make that nomination. In past
Senate hearings, candidates often found their chances for confirmation
dashed by revelations of such major financial irregularities.
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话题: bryan话题: wintour话题: million话题: vogue话题: president