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USANews版 - 四县警察联合搜捕携带“Assualt Umbrella”的嫌犯
白宫附近看到无人机, 巴马吓坏了Clinton Spokesperson: She Is Not Conceding
一个Oregon活下来的学生对奥巴马控好人枪的不屑State Dept Spokesperson Objects to Fox News Reporter's Presence at Press Conference
Polling place lockdown in south Ca due to shooting?State Dept. Spokesperson Gets Slammed Over Benghazi
教堂shooting;上帝在不在厉害:有人在trump记者会上把cnn, msnbc信号给掐了
禁枪,控枪都不可能。我估计最后还是靠AITrump’s national spokesperson Katrina Pierson
得州高中杀手确认了Obama is the best ....
话题: marzo话题: di话题: lockdowns话题: police话题: said
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 11319
现在的反枪派和警察有两个绝招:顺水推舟 和 小题大做,造势一浪高过一浪。大家准
A typical Tuesday morning for 42-year-old Michael Di Marzo quickly
became a citywide multi-jurisdictional manhunt for him and what
witnesses thought was a assault rifle in his hand.
Three schools were locked down and delayed as police scoured the area by
ground and air, looking for a man described by a teenage tipster as
wearing black clothes and a ski mask.
It wasn’t realized until hours later what was believed to be something
along the lines of an AR-15 or AK-47 was more of a AU-15: a 15-inch
compact “assault umbrella.”
The “ski mask” was a pulled-up black turtle neck sweater paired with a
black watch cap.
Di Marzo had no idea he was at the center of the hunt as he continued
about his day March 12, visiting his mother, who had been suffering from
complications with diabetes, and doing errands around town.
He took his usual bus routes through town and returned home around 2
p.m., walking the rest of the way through his east Olympia neighborhood.
That’s when he noticed a helicopter overhead.
“I didn’t know what it was whether police or news or what, but it was
circling a lot and seemed to be circling right over me a lot and it was
shining this little green light,” Di Marzo said.
Playful and theatrical by nature, Di Marzo gestured his umbrella toward
the helicopter.
“I can’t believe I did that now,” Di Marzo said. “It really makes me
shake every time I think about it.
“I thought it was this oppressive thing; I don’t like how many
helicopters fly over anyway.”
A neighbor shouted over to Di Marzo, telling him about the situation. He
learned more after he got home and checked his message machine.
“The helicopter had followed me all the way down Quince to right above
the house then flew off,” Di Marzo said.
It didn’t take long for police to come knocking at his door. Police had
seen video footgage of Di Marzo riding the Transit City bus in the
morning and had tracked him, Di Marzo said.
“That kind of freaked me out,” Di Marzo said.
Roosevelt Elementary School, Reeves Middle School and the Olympia
Regional Learning Academy were put on lockdown as police officers
searched for Di Marzo.
Schools choose to go on lockdown based on the suggestion of officers.
“Typically, we take our cues from law enforcement in these situations,”
said Olympia School District spokesperson Rebecca Japhet. “Police
officers are in the best position to know exactly what’s happening in
and around the area, and we follow them in what they would recommend to
best keep our students safe.”
School districts typically have two types of lockdowns — partial and
full lockdowns.
Partial lockdowns are used when police are investigating suspicious
activity in the area, such as domestic violence, robberies, suspicious
person sightings or a fleeing suspect, according to Courtney Schrieve,
spokesperson for the North Thurston School District.
Partial lockdowns mean school doors are locked, but classes run as
Full lockdowns are rare and used typically only in active shooter
investigations, requiring students and staff to take cover under desks.
Schools will prompt their own lockdowns in the case of an angry parent
or custody issue that could pose a threat to students at the school,
Schrieve said.
One of the biggest hurdles in partial lockdowns is keeping parents calm.
“Partial lockdowns are often very quick and we often don’t have time to
notify parents until it’s over and that has caused some anxiety amongst
our parents at times,” Schrieve said.
Students and parents texting each other during lockdowns can sometimes
cause more harm than help if either side is not fully informed of the
situation, she added.
“We had a principal go over an announcement one time saying please quit
texting your parents, everyone is safe and we are in a partial
lockdown,” Schrieve said. “It immediately stopped.
“It’s just that communication of making sure the kids know what is going
on and the parents know what is going on.”
Di Marzo said he knows the teen who made the report and says she feels
conflicted about her decision to call police.
Police say they would rather respond to a false report than not be there
for the real thing.
“We always err on the side of ‘give us a call,’ ” said Laura Wohl,
spokesperson for the Olympia Police Department. “If you think something
is up, we would rather check it out and be wrong than not check it and
be right.”
At the end of the day, there isn’t a much better training exercise than
what happened March 12. Officers from the Olympia Police Department,
Thurston and Lewis county sheriff offices and the Washington State
Patrol responded.
“When you consider we were coordinating with four different departments
like that, you can’t get much better training than that,” Wohl said.
发帖数: 8800
警察根本不管“open carry rifle is legal", 居然有人报警就出动如此规模的动作,

【在 h*********n 的大作中提到】
: 只因为某个神经过敏的学生随意报警
: 现在的反枪派和警察有两个绝招:顺水推舟 和 小题大做,造势一浪高过一浪。大家准
: 备好和自己的权利说再见吧
: http://www.theolympian.com//2013/03/20/2469526/man-mistaken-for
: wielding-gun.html
: A typical Tuesday morning for 42-year-old Michael Di Marzo quickly
: became a citywide multi-jurisdictional manhunt for him and what
: witnesses thought was a assault rifle in his hand.
: Three schools were locked down and delayed as police scoured the area by
: ground and air, looking for a man described by a teenage tipster as

1 (共1页)
Obama is the best ....教堂shooting;上帝在不在
State Department to release all Clinton schedules before election所有校园枪击的实施者,本质上是懦夫,要从本质上想办法。
老太婆的Foreign Policy Spokesperson有点意思得州高中杀手确认了
白宫附近看到无人机, 巴马吓坏了Clinton Spokesperson: She Is Not Conceding
一个Oregon活下来的学生对奥巴马控好人枪的不屑State Dept Spokesperson Objects to Fox News Reporter's Presence at Press Conference
Polling place lockdown in south Ca due to shooting?State Dept. Spokesperson Gets Slammed Over Benghazi
话题: marzo话题: di话题: lockdowns话题: police话题: said