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USANews版 - Video Rebuts Jim Carrey's Anti-Gun Song
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话题: carrey话题: reason话题: remy话题: video话题: gun
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 29846
March 28, 2013
By Stephen Gutowski
Responding in-kind to Jim Carrey's recent "Funny or Die" video mocking gun
owners, Reason has teamed up with the rapper Remy once again. They've
produced a musical take-down of Carrey, hitting every one of his hypocrisies
along the way.
The Remy/Reason video is not only spot on satire of the ridiculous arguments
it targets, but - unlike the Carrey video - it also actually is funny in
the process. Carrey's original video, of course, missed on both fronts. That
's probably what made it so ripe for this great Remy/Reason rebuttal in the
first place.
Any celebrity that runs around trying to ban life saving medicine, hiring
armed body guards, but then attacking law abiding gun owners is going to be
mocked. But, when it's a celebrity that's famous specifically for talking
out of his butt, well, the script writes itself.
Remy and Reason just played the hand they were dealt.
1 (共1页)
LIN触到了美国最深层的种族歧视 (转载)无耻的CNN正在替BHO造势~~~
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话题: carrey话题: reason话题: remy话题: video话题: gun