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USANews版 - Your Teenagers Having Lots of Sex?
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For the second time in her adult lifetime...来再给gun男们提供点弹药 -Teen killed in shooting outside D (转载)
话题: bloomberg话题: teens话题: sex话题: your话题: lots
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 29846
Your Teenagers Having Lots of Sex? Mike Bloomberg’s Got an App for That
by Jammie
Let’s just hope the kids aren’t have a post-coital smoke. Then Mike
Bloomberg would barge in and snuff it out.
Sixteen and pregnant? There’s an app for that.
The Bloomberg administration has launched an app intended to reduce teen
pregnancy called “Teens in NYC Protection+” that provides a wealth of
health data for kids who are — or are thinking about becoming — sexually
active, The Post has learned.
Information about everything from free clinics for HIV and STD testing
to receiving condoms and emergency contraception is just a touch away on a
The Health Department has yet to publicly announce the app. But the
information has been available on the nyc.gov Web site, which has a special
section dedicated to teens.
Parents who visit the site are in for a surprising lesson about state
“Teens in New York state have a legal right to get sexual-health
services without the permission of parents, guardians, boyfriends,
girlfriends, relatives or anyone else,” the site advises.
By comparison, a teen is not allowed to go on a school trip without
parental consent.
Parents would probably prefer their kids can read, but that’s apparently
not on Bloomberg’s agenda.
1 (共1页)
来再给gun男们提供点弹药 -Teen killed in shooting outside D (转载)‘Drop the gun or I will drop you’
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美高调倡导传统价值观共和党议员因爆性丑闻黯然辞职For the second time in her adult lifetime...
Teen Mob of 50 Hits Walgreens in chitown"I see this $4.6 billion buying us misery"
NY一名法官block Bloomberg的large soda cup banJudge mocks Obama’s ‘accommodation’ proposal on contraception mandate
Actor in Bloomberg Anti-Gun Ad Violates Basic Gun Safety RulesSupreme Court halts contraception mandate for religious groups
Bloomberg: If You Sell a Gun to Your Son, ‘There’s Something Wrong in Your Family’Federal Judge Grants Injunction Against Obamacare's Contraception-Abortifacient Mandate
话题: bloomberg话题: teens话题: sex话题: your话题: lots