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USANews版 - 嫌犯的叔叔还是说了点儿人话
为什么穆斯林仇恨我们?Boston Carjacking Victim: ‘I Was Just Trying to Save Myself'
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License Plate of Friends of Boston Bombers: ‘Terrorista #1’爆炸案嫌疑人的母亲曾被列入恐怖分子数据库, 据NBC消息
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波士顿嫌犯靠学校奖学金和卖大麻过活Resident Admits Tsarnaev’s Hate For US is Typical in Cambridge
话题: tsarni话题: he话题: boston话题: bombers话题: apparently
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 3803
my son is a good boy... he would never ...
Uncle of suspected Boston bombers says exactly the right thing at exactly
the right moment

Tod Robberson t********[email protected]
Published: 19 April 2013 11:22 AM
Boston area paralyzed by manhunt for second brother suspected in bombings
Timeline of latest developments in the case
Profiles emerge of brothers suspected in Boston bombings
I want Ruslan Tsarni to run for office or something. I can’t ever remember
someone of such humble roots emerging from complete obscurity to stand in
front of the national media, speaking live to the nation, and speaking with
such clarity, forcefulness and conviction.
The uncle of Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnayev, the two prime suspects in the
Boston bombings declared in no uncertain terms: “Of course we are ashamed!
” These two young men, his nephews, are “losers” who come from a loser
family that was unable to assimilate after receiving asylum in this country
sometime around 2005-2006. Tsarni’s brother, the father of the bombers,
apparently couldn’t find a job. Nor could the boys.
Whatever the cause of their bitterness, they apparently chose to lash out at
America, the country that hosted them and gave them shelter from the many
troubles facing their homeland, including a radical Islamist separatist
movement that opposes Chechnya’s absorption into Russia. Instead of being
grateful to America for the opportunities this country offered them, they
apparently chose to explode bombs and kill innocents who had nothing to do
with the two young men’s problems.
Ruslan Tsarni has an amazing economy and facility with words. In the very
short time he stood before reporters, he stated the feelings of people who
resent what they know is coming: the tarnishing of an entire ethnicity’s
reputation by the acts of two deranged individuals, and the further
tarnishing of the Islamic religion by two people confused about how to
express their religious devotion.
Tsarni made absolutely clear: They don’t represent Chechens. They don’t
represent Islam.
“Turn yourself in,” Tsarni shouted to his nephew, wherever he is hiding.
And apologize and ask forgiveness for what you have done. Tsarni recalled
his own feelings of shock upon learning that an 8-year-old boy, a Chinese
student and a 29-year-old young lady known had their lives wiped out by the
bombers. He expressed condolences. And then to learn that the bombers
apparently were his own nephews, “the children of my own brother,” was the
biggest shock. The anger and hurt on Tsarni’s face was unmistakable.
Wow. I wanted to hug him. He said exactly the right things at exactly the
right moment. Let’s hope his nephew, Dzhokhar Tsarnayev, was listening.
发帖数: 29846
哈哈, 我开头怎么说的? 果然就是local 的木虱吝
发帖数: 1041
{{These two young men, his nephews, are “losers” who come from a loser
family that was unable to assimilate after receiving asylum in this country
sometime around 2005-2006. Tsarni’s brother, the father of the bombers,
apparently couldn’t find a job. Nor could the boys.}}
发帖数: 3803


【在 m********a 的大作中提到】
: 恩將仇報的混蛋
: {{These two young men, his nephews, are “losers” who come from a loser
: family that was unable to assimilate after receiving asylum in this country
: sometime around 2005-2006. Tsarni’s brother, the father of the bombers,
: apparently couldn’t find a job. Nor could the boys.}}

发帖数: 3813
Hi father said this "My son is a true angel ...," he said by telephone from
the Russian city of Makhachkala. "He is such an intelligent boy. We expected
him to come on holidays here."
You are just dumb...

【在 l******a 的大作中提到】
: 我们老是看见尼哥犯案后,家属(胖黑母鸡)出来:
: my son is a good boy... he would never ...
: 力薄肉为了自己的政治地位,不断容纳各路恐怖分子,早晚要落到他们头上。
: Uncle of suspected Boston bombers says exactly the right thing at exactly
: the right moment
: 12
: Tod Robberson t********[email protected]
: Published: 19 April 2013 11:22 AM
: Related

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License Plate of Friends of Boston Bombers: ‘Terrorista #1’爆炸案嫌疑人的母亲曾被列入恐怖分子数据库, 据NBC消息
话题: tsarni话题: he话题: boston话题: bombers话题: apparently