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USANews版 - 波士顿嫌犯靠学校奖学金和卖大麻过活
Boston Carjacking Victim: ‘I Was Just Trying to Save Myself'Obama Administration Helps Hide Dzhokhar Tsarnaev’s Financial Records
麻省民主党要查波士顿炸弹疑犯的福利情况了License Plate of Friends of Boston Bombers: ‘Terrorista #1’
美国起诉波士顿马拉松爆炸案嫌犯No WMDs in Iraq, but at least two in Boston
爆炸案嫌疑人的母亲曾被列入恐怖分子数据库, 据NBC消息波士顿爆炸嫌疑犯的老妈估计也脱不了干系
Obama Administration to Possibly Release College Transcripts “In the Coming Days”Resident Admits Tsarnaev’s Hate For US is Typical in Cambridge
话题: his话题: tsarnaev话题: tamerlan话题: dzhokhar话题: marijuana
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发帖数: 29846
Tiger Beat Terrorist Sold Weed to Get By: “There was a permanent stench of
marijuana in his room”
by Jammie
Financing terror, one dimebag at a time.
While Tamerlan spent his time freeloading off his young wife, Dzhokhar
Tsarnaev relied on low-level pot sales to get by.
Despite their low-income lives, the brothers allegedly collected just
enough green to fashion bombs that reportedly cost less than $100 apiece to
construct, friends, associates and terrorism analysts told the Boston Globe.
The crude bombs allegedly fashioned by the Tsarnaev brothers were made
of affordable kitchen pressure cookers, filled with BBs and other small
pieces of metal.
“There is no barrier here to two men doing this on their own,” said
Brian Michael Jenkins, a Rand Corp. adviser and terrorism expert.
“You could easily do this for under $100 per bomb. . . . This is an
investment even someone with modest means can make.”
Dzhokhar was clearly on a better path than his big brother Tamerlan,
having won scholarship money for his education at the University of
Massachusetts Dartmouth.
He still struggled for pocket money, and resorted to selling marijuana
to classmates, several students told the Globe.
And what he wasn’t selling, Dzhokhar was smoking.
“There was a permanent stench of marijuana in his room,” said one
Wait, aren’t colleges smoke-free environments? Maybe now the left will
muster up some outrage seeing how he violated anti-smoking laws with
Meanwhile, not only was this piece of human debris a pathetic stoner, his
brother got his jollies beating up women. Where’s the War on Women crowd to
express their outrage?
Boston Marathon bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev showed off his vicious nature
by verbally and physically abusing his future wife, it was revealed
Former college roommates of Katherine Russell — Tsarnaev’s 24-year-old
widow — told National Public Radio that the brutish pugilist would cruelly
taunt his then-girlfriend, calling her a “slut’’ and “prostitute,”
while the couple was dating.
Tsarnaev even tossed furniture and other objects at Russell during his
violent rages, they said.
Feminist icon Sandra Fluke was unavailable for comment.
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Resident Admits Tsarnaev’s Hate For US is Typical in Cambridge美国起诉波士顿马拉松爆炸案嫌犯
Missteps by Feds Exposed on Boston Marathon Bombings波士顿案嫌犯受圣战思想的影响
Dzhokhar Tsarnaev’s Medical Care Is Covered at Federal Facility爆炸案嫌疑人的母亲曾被列入恐怖分子数据库, 据NBC消息
波士顿恐怖袭击案嫌犯家庭得到政府福利超过10万美元Obama Administration to Possibly Release College Transcripts “In the Coming Days”
Boston Carjacking Victim: ‘I Was Just Trying to Save Myself'Obama Administration Helps Hide Dzhokhar Tsarnaev’s Financial Records
麻省民主党要查波士顿炸弹疑犯的福利情况了License Plate of Friends of Boston Bombers: ‘Terrorista #1’
话题: his话题: tsarnaev话题: tamerlan话题: dzhokhar话题: marijuana