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USANews版 - Egyptian Military: Morsi is Officially Out
Unhappy Egyptians Given 2 Weeks to Consider Divisive Constitution That Elevates Shari’a埃及军事领袖将辞职以参加总统选举
Egyptian authorities raid homes of Muslim Brotherhood membersEgyptian Court Sentences Eight To Death Over “Innocence of Muslims” YouTube Video
埃及都怀疑巴马是不是能对付ISIS了埃及死亡人数超600 穆兄会誓言再抗议
埃及当选总统开始独裁了. 疤蟆这下沙比了吧.记者报道遭到埃及穆斯林兄弟会攻击
巴马还是把军援给埃及了在美的埃及Coptic Christians在白宫外游行支持埃及军方
Egypt's Brotherhood faces double backlash埃及伊斯兰主义总统给美国上课的季节到了
埃及法庭判处从伊斯兰改信基督的寡妇及其7个子女15年徒刑BBC: 埃及军方出动坦克,要求示威者离开总统府
话题: morsi话题: military话题: el话题: egyptian话题: sisi
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 29846
by Kaylin Bugos
The Egyptian military has suspended the country’s constitution and named
the chief of the Supreme Constitutional Court as head of state after
informing Mohammed Morsi that he is no longer president.
Gen. Abdul-Fattah el-Sisi, Egypt’s defense minister, announced the plan
while surrounded by opposition leader and former IAEA chief Mohamed el-
Baradei, Muslim leader Sheik Ahmed el-Tayeb, and Coptic Christian leader
Pope Tawadros II. The inclusion of Tawadros may indicate plans to protect
Egypt’s Coptic Christian minority, which was persecuted relentlessly by
Islamists under Morsi’s government.
The plan dissolves the legislature and places Supreme Constitutional Court
chief justice Adly Mansour as the head of the interim government until new
elections can be held. A technocratic government will be put in place,
according to el-Sisi.
The military’s roadmap also includes a plan to amend the constitution and
hold parliamentary elections soon, though a specific date was not announced.
El-Sisi indidicated that the military will not tolerate violence in upcoming
days and will respond forcibly to any violent outbreaks.
1 (共1页)
BBC: 埃及军方出动坦克,要求示威者离开总统府巴马还是把军援给埃及了
埃及反美情绪高涨,冲突各方都反美Egypt's Brotherhood faces double backlash
Unhappy Egyptians Given 2 Weeks to Consider Divisive Constitution That Elevates Shari’a埃及军事领袖将辞职以参加总统选举
Egyptian authorities raid homes of Muslim Brotherhood membersEgyptian Court Sentences Eight To Death Over “Innocence of Muslims” YouTube Video
埃及都怀疑巴马是不是能对付ISIS了埃及死亡人数超600 穆兄会誓言再抗议
埃及当选总统开始独裁了. 疤蟆这下沙比了吧.记者报道遭到埃及穆斯林兄弟会攻击
话题: morsi话题: military话题: el话题: egyptian话题: sisi