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USANews版 - Emily MILLER: Eric Holder steals George Zimmerman’s gun
那个华人敢说Zimmerman无罪有重罪前科的人现在有希望重新获得投票权了! (转载)
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话题: mr话题: zimmerman话题: holder话题: gun话题: amendment
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发帖数: 2047
-- Emily Miller is senior editor of opinion for The Washington Times.
Attorney General Eric Holder has confiscated George Zimmerman’s gun. Even
though Mr. Zimmerman was acquitted by a jury in the death of Trayvon Martin,
the Justice Department on Thursday ordered the Sanford police to put a hold
on the evidence from the trial, which includes the Kel Tek 9mm handgun.
It is not clear what federal law or legal procedure allows Mr. Holder to
stop a police chief in Florida from returning a firearm to an innocent man.
The federal government has the power to infringe on Second Amendment rights
only when a person falls into the categories of prohibited people, which
includes felons, dangerously mentally ill and domestic abusers.
There is no reasonable cause for the Justice Department to hold the evidence
, since it has already been examined, given a DNA test and used in trial.
What more can the federal government find out from holding Mr. Zimmerman’s
And the investigation that Mr. Holder is pursuing — whether this was a
racially-based civil rights case — has nothing to do with the weapon used.
The attorney general’s insistence on finding some link to race is also
unrelated to facts. The FBI, prosecutor, police and jury have all said that
race played no role in the events of the night that Mr. Martin was killed.
Mr. Zimmerman’s attorney, Mark O’Mara, told ABC News that his client wears
a protective vest in public and needs a gun to defend himself in aftermath
of the controversial trial.
Asked about Mr. Zimmerman getting a weapon, the lawyer said, that there is
“more reason now, isn’t there? There are a lot of people out there who
actually hate him, though they shouldn’t.”
There is nothing stopping Mr. Zimmerman from passing a FBI background check
to buy a new firearm — and perhaps he has done so already.
But Mr. Holder’s stunt is a violation of Mr. Zimmerman’s Fourth Amendment
right to be free of unreasonable seizures as well as his Second Amendment
right to keep and bear arms.
In his transparent effort to fan the flames of racial divide, Mr. Holder is
stomping all over the Constitution.
The chief law enforcement officer in the nation should stop pursuing the
Obama administration’s political agenda at the expense of an innocent man
who was forced to take a life in self defense.
Mr. Holder, return Mr. Zimmerman’s gun to him immediately.
发帖数: 7717
发帖数: 12659
简单,下一步就是弹劾 Holder
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Let's back up for a minuteVirginia州长给60,000重刑犯投票权
那个华人敢说Zimmerman无罪有重罪前科的人现在有希望重新获得投票权了! (转载)
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话题: mr话题: zimmerman话题: holder话题: gun话题: amendment