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USANews版 - Michael Moore and Detroit
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Michael Moore又发声:川普是人体燃烧弹,会赢得总统大选完蛋了Michael Moore just admitted about the debate
又抓到一个通俄的Michael Moore is from Michigan
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The Whole Point Of Capitalism千万别去看michael moore反川普的电影。别中计!
michael moore为啥不拍一个反对巴马增兵的电影Michael Moore新纪录片“Trumpland"
michael moore发标了Michael Moore谈TRUMP
joy behar ask michael moore: Do You Think ...果然许多人中了michael moore的毒计
话题: moore话题: detroit话题: michael话题: his话题: schweizer
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发帖数: 29846
Last Updated: 12:42 AM, July 23, 2013
Posted: July 23, 2013
Might be just a coincidence. But we notice Detroit’s filing for bankruptcy
comes at more or less the same moment filmmaker Michael Moore has filed for
We get the differences between the two cases. Detroit is an anti-capitalist
Michigan city. It is going Chapter 9 because it followed policies that
largely reflect Moore’s economic preferences: an animosity toward business,
a faith in high taxes and a belief in government as the solution.
Moore, of course, is not a city but an anticapitalist Michigan filmmaker.
Unlike Detroit, he has not let his ideological swipes at the free market
interfere with his own effort to prosper. Thus, he has amassed a net wealth
estimated at $50 million.
Over the years, the Hoover Institution’s Peter Schweizer has chronicled the
gap between Moore’s messaging and his money-making. In his book “Do As I
Say (Not as I Do),” Schweizer devoted a whole chapter to Moore, noting his
use of non-union labor, his travel by private jet and the investments he
made in lucrative but liberally incorrect stocks such as Halliburton.
Now, the breakup of any marriage is a sad event. So there’s no joy in the
news that Moore is splitting from his wife of nearly 22 years. The silver
lining is that, given his penchant for profit, they can each count on having
millions in assets even after everything is divided up.
Schweizer sums it up this way: “If the city of Detroit had in its public
dealings been as open to capitalism as Michael Moore was in private dealings
, it might be another Silicon Valley instead of another dying industrial
1 (共1页)
果然许多人中了michael moore的毒计The Whole Point Of Capitalism
民主是什么?都给我看过来!michael moore为啥不拍一个反对巴马增兵的电影
Michael Moore was rightmichael moore发标了
床铺就职日, Michael Moore Calls For "100 Days Of Resistance (转载)joy behar ask michael moore: Do You Think ...
Michael Moore:欢迎叙利亚难民来他家住 (转载)Michael Moore: We are all Muslim
Michael Moore又发声:川普是人体燃烧弹,会赢得总统大选完蛋了Michael Moore just admitted about the debate
又抓到一个通俄的Michael Moore is from Michigan
MM's new movie and capitalismMichael Moore In Trumpland观感 (转载)
话题: moore话题: detroit话题: michael话题: his话题: schweizer