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USANews版 - Your Taxes Going to Pay for Hotel Rooms for Illegal Aliens
California Asks Supreme Court to Overturn Arizona’s SB 1070 BECAUSE IT WORKS!
现在先叫 illegal immigrant, 以后就叫 illegal alien 了
据说:现在美国监狱的犯人有1/3是illegal aliens?
More Illegal Aliens Returning to Mexico For Good
Illegal Alien Addresses Democratic National Convention
White House Admits to Releasing Thousands of Illegals Aliens
Chinese American Vote for Republican candidates
话题: fox话题: hotel话题: rooms话题: illegals话题: usa
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发帖数: 29846
August 14, 2013 Posted by Warner Todd Huston
Fox News just found out that the Department of Immigration and Customs
Enforcement (ICE) is spending thousands of your tax dollars a day on hotel
rooms for illegal aliens. One official said this “shouldn’t be happening,
” but it is.
Fox found that millions of illegals a year are given temporary status for
asylum in the USA and are often given free hotel stays while they wait for a
hearing before an immigration judge. Worse, some 600,000 to 800,000 a year
don’t bother to show up for their hearings. That means they are wandering
about the USA with no accounting for their whereabouts or their legal status.
There are so many, sometimes hundreds per day, that ICE hasn’t anywhere to
keep them so they just foot the bill for hotel rooms while they wait. This
wait can be weeks and months away from being given their cozy, free hotel
rooms paid for by you and me.
Fox found that the numbers of asylum seekers has grown exponentially of late
and that these illegals are using “special key words” when they apply for
asylum, words the Obama administration has set up as safe words used to
give these illegals immediate protected status.
All these illegals, mostly Mexicans, have to say is that they have a “
credible fear” that their lives are in danger by the out-of-control Mexican
drug cartels.
Of course, one would think that every Mexican citizen has such a credible
fear, so that isn’t much of a bar to entry for the US, is it?
There is also suspicion that this is an organized campaign.
“This clearly has to have been orchestrated by somebody,” said former U.S.
Attorney for Southern California Peter Nunez. “It’s beyond belief that
dozens or hundreds or thousands of people would simultaneously decide that
they should go to the U.S. and make this claim.”
(See also: Democrat Senate Candidate: “Millions Will Die”… Unless We
Raise Taxes!)
It could easily be the cartels themselves setting this up. After all, they
can get their operatives easily placed inside the USA if this ease of entry
is any indication.
“Most of the immigrants came from Mexico,” Fox reported “but others
listed their native country as Haiti, Romania, Guatemala and Iraq. Some were
over age 50, others were under a year old. Thirty were transported to a
hotel. Seventy were released around the country.”
Iraq!? And the left says that no terrorists are sneaking across our entirely
unguarded southern border?
Fox also discovered that Obama has cleared this practice from the top.
“The orders from Washington are to simply turn these people loose,” said
Ira Mehlman, a spokesman for the Federation for American Immigration Reform.
“All you have to say is you qualify for the Dream Act and/or you intend to
apply, and they’re instructed by their higher-ups to simply turn these
people loose, to set them free and let them pursue any path they want.”
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Chinese American Vote for Republican candidates
唉。你们这帮地副反坏右, 真可年
华人应该使用美国社会的游戏规则, 全方位反对加州SCA5法案
话题: fox话题: hotel话题: rooms话题: illegals话题: usa