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USANews版 - Just 4% of Blacks Say Obama Has Improved Race Relations »
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话题: obama话题: relations话题: race话题: improved话题: just
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 29846
by Jammie
It’s a resounding victory at that considering he and his party’s intention
is fomenting racial hatred and animosity 24/7/365. All you had to do was
watch two minutes of the ugly spectacle in Washington on Wednesday and you
couldn’t possibly come away thinking anything has improved since he’s
occupied the White House.
The nation’s first black president has failed to improve race relations
, with just 10 percent believing that President Obama has helped to foster a
better black-white relationship, according to a new poll timed to coincide
with the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I have a dream”
More frustrating for African Americans is how the president has burst
their 2009 bubble of hope that he would do something bold on race.
Rasmussen Reports, in a poll out Thursday, said that right before
Inauguration Day 2009, 75 percent of the nation’s blacks believed Obama’s
election signaled a new era in race relations.
Today, said Rasmussen, just 4 percent of African Americans believe black
-white relations have improved under Obama.
Yet given the opportunity they’d all still vote for him.
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话题: obama话题: relations话题: race话题: improved话题: just