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USANews版 - ObamaCare Will Butt Into Your Sex Life: “This is Nasty Business” »
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话题: sex话题: he话题: questions话题: women
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 29846
by Jammie
They said if we voted Republican the government would be sticking their
noses into our sex lives, and they were right!
‘Are you sexually active? If so, with one partner, multiple partners or
same-sex partners?”
Be ready to answer those questions and more the next time you go to the
doctor, whether it’s the dermatologist or the cardiologist and no matter if
the questions are unrelated to why you’re seeking medical help. And you
can thank the Obama health law.
“This is nasty business,” says New York cardiologist Dr. Adam
Budzikowski. He called the sex questions “insensitive, stupid and very
intrusive.” He couldn’t think of an occasion when a cardiologist would
need such information — but he knows he’ll be pushed to ask for it.
The president’s “reforms” aim to turn doctors into government agents,
pressuring them financially to ask questions they consider inappropriate
and unnecessary, and to violate their Hippocratic Oath to keep patients’
records confidential.
Embarrassing though it may be, you confide things to a doctor you wouldn
’t tell anyone else. But this is entirely different.
Privacy schmivacy. It’s all for your own good. And you remember that whole
War on Women nonsense, right? Apparently “women’s groups” don’t give a
rat’s ass.
Where are the women’s rights groups that went to the barricades in the
1980s and 1990s to prevent the federal government from accessing a woman’s
health records? Hypocritically, they are silent now.
But let a Republicans suggest there should be some restrictions on late-term
abortions and they become hysterical.
1 (共1页)
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话题: sex话题: he话题: questions话题: women