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USANews版 - 提高债务上限不意味着增加债务-还真有这种掩耳盗铃的煞笔
Obama Says “Not Raising Debt Ceiling Is Absurd” But Voted Against It in 2006Obama当选,高兴同时有些担心
US debt to hit proposed ceiling by end-February: Treasury, again?巴马要发彪了 (转载)
Lower the Debt Ceiling and Raise Our Moral Ceiling对奥巴马的FISCAL CLIFF要求, 我老出离愤怒了
不提高美国借贷上限会有什么灾难性后果?这7个都是谎言Obama: Congress Must Increase Debt Ceiling or Else
Why the Debt Ceiling Debate is Stupid麻省民主党要查波士顿炸弹疑犯的福利情况了
Half of America is officially poor大家赌下今晚国会能不能达成协议rasie debt ceiling?
US Closes 2011 With Record $15.22 Trillion In Debt既然在总统眼中,debt ceiling好像每次都必须而且应该提高
U.S. Appears Set to Hit Debt Ceiling in January其实这次共和党提出要defund obamacare不明智,掩盖了debt ceiling 问题
话题: debt话题: raising话题: ceiling话题: obama话题: does
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 29846
Obama: 'Raising the Debt Ceiling...Does Not Increase Our Debt,' Though It
Has 'Over 100 Times'
September 18, 2013 - 3:54 PM
By Craig Bannister
Raising the debt ceiling doesn't increase the nation's debt, Pres. Obama
declared in a speech today.
In a speech at the Business Roundtable headquarters in Washington, D.C.,
Obama dismissed concerns about raising the debt ceiling by noting that it'd
been done so many times in the past:
"Now, this debt ceiling -- I just want to remind people in case you haven't
been keeping up -- raising the debt ceiling, which has been done over a
hundred times, does not increase our debt; it does not somehow promote
profligacy. All it does is it says you got to pay the bills that you've
already racked up, Congress. It's a basic function of making sure that the
full faith and credit of the United States is preserved."
Obama went on to suggest that "the average person" mistakenly thinks that
raising the debt ceiling means the U.S. is racking up more debt:
"It's always a tough vote because the average person thinks raising the debt
ceiling must mean that we're running up our debt, so people don't like to
vote on it, and, typically, there's some gamesmanship in terms of making the
President's party shoulder the burden of raising the -- taking the vote."
But, isn't the fact that the U.S. has hit its debt ceiling "over a hundred
times" - and, thus, has had to keep raising it - proof that raising the
limit does, in fact, lead to increased debt?
发帖数: 12659
发帖数: 29846

【在 l******t 的大作中提到】
: 可能,真还有人信的
: 唉

发帖数: 8291
这个在common core里肯定算是正确的。
现在大家知道为什么奥巴马推行的common core认为只要给出合适的理由,


【在 l****z 的大作中提到】
: Obama: 'Raising the Debt Ceiling...Does Not Increase Our Debt,' Though It
: Has 'Over 100 Times'
: September 18, 2013 - 3:54 PM
: By Craig Bannister
: Raising the debt ceiling doesn't increase the nation's debt, Pres. Obama
: declared in a speech today.
: In a speech at the Business Roundtable headquarters in Washington, D.C.,
: Obama dismissed concerns about raising the debt ceiling by noting that it'd
: been done so many times in the past:
: "Now, this debt ceiling -- I just want to remind people in case you haven't

发帖数: 7903
1 (共1页)
其实这次共和党提出要defund obamacare不明智,掩盖了debt ceiling 问题Why the Debt Ceiling Debate is Stupid
华尔街就是厉害 (转载)Half of America is officially poor
美国预算时,为什么不看看它会不会破Debt Ceiling?US Closes 2011 With Record $15.22 Trillion In Debt
WashingtonDC版举办debt ceiling和政府开门博彩U.S. Appears Set to Hit Debt Ceiling in January
Obama Says “Not Raising Debt Ceiling Is Absurd” But Voted Against It in 2006Obama当选,高兴同时有些担心
US debt to hit proposed ceiling by end-February: Treasury, again?巴马要发彪了 (转载)
Lower the Debt Ceiling and Raise Our Moral Ceiling对奥巴马的FISCAL CLIFF要求, 我老出离愤怒了
不提高美国借贷上限会有什么灾难性后果?这7个都是谎言Obama: Congress Must Increase Debt Ceiling or Else
话题: debt话题: raising话题: ceiling话题: obama话题: does