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USANews版 - 为什么替国会议员干活的要求疤蟆care special treatment
现在还 有人认为OBAMACARE是好事吗?Rand Paul要求大法官和所有联邦政府员工全部加入疤蟆care
Obama Promises to Help Congressional Staffers Avoid Obamacare »疤蟆反对共和党提出的疤蟆care delay,但自己一直delay疤蟆care
Obamacare降低了医疗保险的价格,德州人民也受益了因为bamacare, 学校开始减少parttimer的时间
Obamacare Exchanges to Cost $5.3 Billion, 16 Million HoursHHS Admits: You Might Not Be Able to Keep Your Doctor Under Obamacare
疤蟆的健康部长也承认疤蟆care会造成保险费上涨看Sean Hannity的节目很有意思
2014obamacare实施后,大家自求多福吧Obamacare Will Cost Young People Thousands More Per Year
自助餐说我们还是把疤蟆care全部干掉吧因为疤蟆care, 一千一百万老百姓的医疗保费会上涨
话题: waivers话题: obamacare话题: hhs话题: staffers话题: law
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 29846
疤蟆care那么好,为什么那些国会议员和替国会议员干活的人都要special treatment.
(对嘛,因为是special treatment,所以不算exempt,民猪党就喜欢搞这种文字游行)
发帖数: 29846
How Many Businesses Are Exempt? The Final Number of ‘Obamacare’ Waivers Is
Jan. 6, 2012 10:32pm Becket Adams
Since the passage of the “Affordable Care Act,” it has been some cause for
concern — scandal even — that several businesses have been granted
waivers excusing them from participation in the federal program.
And now we have a final number of how many businesses are exempt from “
Roughly 1,200 companies received waivers from part of the healthcare reform
law, the Health and Human Services Department (HHS) said Friday.
And the Final Number of Obamacare Waivers is...“One for you, and one for
you, and one for you…“
“Friday marks the last time HHS will have to update the total number of
waivers, putting to rest a recurring political firestorm. The department had
been updating its waiver totals every month, prompting monthly attacks from
the GOP,” writes Sam Baker of The Hill.
Naturally, Republican opposition to the bill seized on these waivers as an
opportunity to advance the argument that the healthcare law is “unworkable.”
So how does the HHS justify granting the waivers? The department argues that
the waivers show the law provides “flexibility.”
But who gets to choose when the law is “flexible”?
“All told, 1,231 companies applied for and received waivers from the law’s
restrictions on annual benefit caps,” Baker writes. “The law requires
plans to gradually raise their benefit limits, and all annual limits will
become illegal in 2014. Companies that received waivers can keep their caps
intact until 2014.”
When added together, the healthcare waivers excuse about 4 million people,
or about 3 percent of the population, from having to participate, HHS said.
However, what’s slightly unsettling is the fact that the majority of the
waivers were handed out to labor unions.
“Documents released in a classic Friday afternoon news dump show that labor
unions representing 543,812 workers received waivers from President Barack
Obama‘s signature legislation,” writes Paul Conner of the Daily Caller. “
By contrast, private employers with a total of 69,813 employees, many of
whom work for small businesses, were granted waivers.”
Because of the backlash over the waivers, HHS announced last summer that it
would stop accepting applications for one-year waivers and would simply
grant or deny waivers all the way through the end of 2013, according to The
The total of 1,231 includes all of the waiver requests HHS granted —
companies that only applied for a three-year waiver, companies that got a
one-year waiver and an extension, and companies that received a one-year
waiver but did not ask for an extension.
A total of 96 waiver requests were denied by HHS. Why the healthcare law
couldn’t be “flexible” for those 96 requests is anyone’s guess.
“The final total is actually lower than the last monthly update. Earlier in
the process, HHS had been granting waivers to a type of plan that it later
decided should be completely exempt from the restrictions on annual limits,
” Baker writes. “HHS had granted waivers to almost 500 of those plans
before exempting them altogether.”
发帖数: 29846
Hill Staffers Get an Obamacare Fix
Peter Suderman|Aug. 2, 2013 7:20 pm
For the last several months, congressional staffers wondered if they’d be
forced to buy into Obamacare’s insurance exchanges, as the law says they
must, and if they’d take a hefty compensation cut as a result. Now we know:
They’ll get their insurance from Obamacare’s insurance exchanges. But
they won’t be required to pay full price—or even the full price minus
whatever subsidies they might qualify for.
That’s because the Office of Personnel Management (OPM), which handles
benefits issues for Hill staffers, has decided to allow congressional
staffers to put the same employer contribution they get toward their current
plans toward the purchase of health plans bought on the exchanges,
according to Politico.
Coverage of the issue up until now has tended to focus on the question of
whether congressional staffers would be “exempt” from Obamacare. I never
thought that was quite the right way to understand it: Staffers weren’t
looking to be exempt from the whole law, but from one provision that
specifically affected, and complicated, their own lives.
The health law’s defenders, in turn, argued that it wasn’t fair to create
a special class of individuals who have to give up their employer coverage,
and the tax-protected contribution toward that coverage’s cost, in order to
buy from the exchanges. But OPM’s decision creates a different sort of
special class: A tiny group of federal employees allowed to put their
employer’s existing coverage contribution toward plans bought through
Obamacare’s exchanges.
In other words, Hill staffers were irritated by a provision of the health
law that would have cost them money. And they got a bureaucratic fix to make
the problem go away. Most Americans frustrated by some specific provision
in Obamacare, on the other hand, won’t be so lucky.
发帖数: 7717
Opt out 和特供有一拼了。
发帖数: 21627


【在 l****z 的大作中提到】
: 疤蟆care那么好,为什么那些国会议员和替国会议员干活的人都要special treatment.
: (对嘛,因为是special treatment,所以不算exempt,民猪党就喜欢搞这种文字游行)
: 这个让我联想到一直有人说海归怎么怎么好.但你看国内那些赚了钱的人,都拼命想办法
: 拿国外护照.当官的即使自己不能拿,也会把小孩送出来.

1 (共1页)
因为疤蟆care, 一千一百万老百姓的医疗保费会上涨Obamacare Exchanges to Cost $5.3 Billion, 16 Million Hours
Obamacare Advocates Declare: It Is ‘Working’2014obamacare实施后,大家自求多福吧
新的health care plan基本可支持了自助餐说我们还是把疤蟆care全部干掉吧
现在还 有人认为OBAMACARE是好事吗?Rand Paul要求大法官和所有联邦政府员工全部加入疤蟆care
Obama Promises to Help Congressional Staffers Avoid Obamacare »疤蟆反对共和党提出的疤蟆care delay,但自己一直delay疤蟆care
Obamacare降低了医疗保险的价格,德州人民也受益了因为bamacare, 学校开始减少parttimer的时间
话题: waivers话题: obamacare话题: hhs话题: staffers话题: law