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USANews版 - 数以万计法国人抗议环境税,与警方冲突
看格老怎么骂媒体奥朗德将征收75%的富人税 法国首富出走比利时
翻译家英文好,来翻译一下事实真相,CNN发的哦France's Sarkozy cleared in campaign finance case
The consensus is based on bullying, censorship and fraudulent statistics法国任命新总理
Year one, ObamaCare report card shows health care costs rising澳大利亚成为世界第一个废除碳税的国家
法国向社会福利制度的舞弊者、特别是那些“假病号”开战默克尔 VS 德国国旗
话题: brittany话题: tax话题: organisers话题: saturday话题: ecotax
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 29846
French riot police fired tear gas at thousands of demonstrators in north-
west France on Saturday, after some protesters hurled stones and iron bars
at them in a rally against a controversial green tax and layoffs.
Three demonstrators were arrested while four protesters and a police officer
were injured after scuffles broke out during the protest on Saturday
Protest organisers said 30,000 people, including hauliers, fishermen and
food industry workers, had gathered in the town of Quimper in Brittany to
demonstrate against an environmental tax on trucks and layoffs, even though
the government had earlier in the week suspended the application of the so-
called ecotax.
Authorities estimate that 15,000 people joined in the protest.
Some of the protestors pelted police with stones, iron bars and even pots of
chrysanthemum, while others burned palettes. Police responded with water
cannons and tear gas.
The prefect of the department of Finistere, Jean-Luc Videlaine, blamed the
violence on a "marginal group" of right-wing extremists, who he said were
believed to be among the protesters.
Before the weekend, Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault had warned against any
"spiral of violence" in Brittany, after previous clashes last week during
similar demonstrations.
The ecotax, aimed at encouraging environmentally friendly commercial
transport, imposes new levies on French and foreign vehicles transporting
commercial goods weighing over 3.5 tonnes.
It came under fire from farmers and food sector workers across the country,
but especially in Brittany, where the economy is heavily dependent on
Even though the government has said the tax would not take effect on January
1 as previously planned, protest organisers say it is not enough, demanding
instead a permanent suspension of the tax.
On Saturday, protestors marched under banners such as "Right to work", "
Bretons yes, sheep no" and "France is not a cash cow".
Many also wore red caps, a symbol of the anti-tax campaign in Brittany in
the 17th century.
"I'm here to defend my job," one of the protestors, Genevieve Tanguy, 37, an
estate agent told AFP. "In Brittany, we are united. Personally, I would not
hold up with all these taxes."
Another protester, 52-year-old mason Claude Sergent said the taxes "are
killing us".
Christian Troadec, one of the main organisers of the rally, called the
demonstration "a great success for employment in Brittany".
The ecotax was adopted by Nicolas Sarkozy's centre-right UMP government in
2009, but its implementation has repeatedly been put off.
Officials said the suspension of the tax, which would raise about one
billion euros per year, would last at least several months.
Environmentalists slammed the Socialist government for postponing the tax,
with Green MEP Jose Bove calling the move "pathetic" and an "incredible
1 (共1页)
默克尔 VS 德国国旗翻译家英文好,来翻译一下事实真相,CNN发的哦
African American protestors heckle ObamaThe consensus is based on bullying, censorship and fraudulent statistics
You know what the "V" is? They call it spreading hopeYear one, ObamaCare report card shows health care costs rising
为了亲眼见证tea party red necks的种族歧视法国向社会福利制度的舞弊者、特别是那些“假病号”开战
看格老怎么骂媒体奥朗德将征收75%的富人税 法国首富出走比利时
话题: brittany话题: tax话题: organisers话题: saturday话题: ecotax