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USANews版 - 美墨边境AZ的Yuma失业率 31.9%
25个最差的Job Markets。一个反对社会主义的丹麦人
Unemployment rose in nearly all US citiesSt.Louis枪支销售量爆涨
10大 失业城市,8个在共产加州黑命真的很值钱:枪声一响,黄金万两
Unemployment rates up in 90 percent of U.S. cities[合集] 经济刺激机会给穷人的福利倒是蛮多的。。。。
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加州的这个战斗机,又在听证会上胡闹了O8 on vacation
Calif borrows $40M a day to pay unemploymentUnderstanding Unemployment Statistics
话题: yuma话题: percent话题: calif话题: city
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 29846
31.9%: U.S.-Mexico Border City Leads Nation in Unemployment
December 9, 2013 - 5:20 PM
By Ali Meyer
(CNSNews.com) - The Yuma, Ariz., metropolitan area, which sits on the U.S-
Mexico border, had a 31.9 percent unemployment rate in October, the highest
of any metropolitan area in the country, according to data released last
week by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
The El Centro, Calif., metropolitan area, also on the U.S.-Mexico border,
had a unemployment rate of 22.8 percent, the second highest in the country.
The national unemployment rate in October stood at 7.3 percent, meaning the
unemployment rate in the Yuma, Ariz., metropolitan area was more than four
times higher than the national rate.
Six of the top ten metropolitan areas with the highest unemployment in the
country are in California. In addition to El Centro, which is just north of
the U.S.-Mexico border, the other five areas are situated in the San Joaquin
and Sacramento valleys, in California’s agricultural district.
The ten metropolitan areas with the highest unemployment rates in the
country in October were: 1) Yuma, Ariz., 31.9 percent; 2) El Centro, Calif.,
22.8 percent; 3) Visalia-Porterville, Calif., 12.7 percent, 4) Yuba City,
Calif., 12.4 percent; 5) Merced, Calif., 12.1 percent, 6) Fresno, Calif., 12
percent; 7) Hanford-Corcoran, Calif., 11.9 percent; 8) Decatur, Ill., 11.7
percent; 9) Atlantic City-Hammonton, N.J., 11.7 percent; and Vineland-
Millville-Bridgeton, N.J., 11.6 percent.
Yuma is represented in the U.S. Congress by Rep. Raul Grijala, a Democrat.
CNSNews.com contacted his office on Monday to see if he would like to
comment about the high unemployment rate there, but was told he was
travelling today from Arizona to Washington and was unavailable.
Bob Dane, the communications director for the Federation for Immigration
Reform, cautioned that without a detailed analysis of multiple factors in
the Yuma area it is not possible to perfectly correlate the high
unemployment rate there with illegal immigration. However, he says city
officials ought to take a close look at the problem.
“While high levels of immigration create undue competition for jobs
nationally, reduces wages, and increases unemployment, that impact is
staggered geographically and by job sector, so you can’t generalize and say
immigration is the cause of unemployment in every city,” said Dane. “
Detroit for example has longstanding union, pension, city management and
global competitive issues--not immigration problems--that have contributed
to their decline and high unemployment.
“Likewise, Yuma, AZ and El Centro, CA may--or may not --have individual,
historical and complex characteristics that account for their staggering
unemployment rates,” he said.
“Yes, they have lots of unemployment and yes lots of immigrants--both legal
and illegal (based on border apprehensions in that sector)--but without
adjusting for other factors and doing a detailed analysis of those towns, it
can’t be perfectly correlated,” Dane said. “But given the meltdowns in
those towns and their respective proximity to the border, city officials are
overdue for a close and honest look into whether high immigration and high
unemployment in Yuma and El Centro is coincidence or causality.
“What we do know for certain,” he said, “is that there are massive flows
of illegal aliens, drug smugglers and human traffickers in that part of
California and Arizona.”
发帖数: 29846
加州占6个, NJ两个, IL一个,10个里面占9个. 民猪党,OK!
1 (共1页)
Understanding Unemployment Statistics民主党就是为了反川而反墙
连左逼都承认了Calif borrows $40M a day to pay unemployment
25个最差的Job Markets。一个反对社会主义的丹麦人
Unemployment rose in nearly all US citiesSt.Louis枪支销售量爆涨
10大 失业城市,8个在共产加州黑命真的很值钱:枪声一响,黄金万两
Unemployment rates up in 90 percent of U.S. cities[合集] 经济刺激机会给穷人的福利倒是蛮多的。。。。
话题: yuma话题: percent话题: calif话题: city