以下是豁免obamacare 的一个充分条件:最便宜的health insurance 超过收入的8%,
在纽约州的health exchange, 成年人最便宜的health plan 大约 $274/mo. 这样的话
,274*2*12/0.08=82200,两口子没娃,年收入小于82.2K就豁免 obamacare了? 我算
得对吗? http://obamacarefacts.com/obamacare-mandate-exemption-penalty.p
If you belong to any of the groups listed below you are exempt from
ObamaCare's mandate to "obtain minimum essential coverage" (i.e. buy
• People who would have to pay more than 8 percent of their household
income for health insurance