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USANews版 - 在美国,一半的黑人和40%的白人在23岁之前曾经被捕过,并且黑人和白人之间差异很小。
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话题: males话题: arrest话题: percent话题: study话题: females
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 75
COLLEGE PARK, Md. – Nearly half of black males and almost 40 percent of
white males in the United States are arrested by age 23—which can hurt
their ability to attend school, secure employment and participate fully in
their communities, according to a new study in the journal Crime &
Delinquency. The study's authors include Professor Ray Paternoster, a
faculty member in the University of Maryland's No.1-ranked Department of
Criminology & Criminal Justice.
handcuffsThis groundbreaking report outlines the first contemporary findings
on how the risk of arrest varies across race and gender, analyzing national
survey data from 1997 to 2008 of teenagers and young adults, ages 18–23,
and their arrest histories, which run the gamut from truancy and underage
drinking to more serious and violent offenses. The study excludes arrests
for minor traffic violations.
The study reveals a higher prevalence of arrest among black males compared
to white males, and little race variation in arrest rates among black and
white females.
"These findings are troublesome because they show that a large proportion of
young males, particularly African-American males, will carry the stigma of
an arrest. What makes this so problematic is that the repercussions will be
manifested throughout their adult years as youth with arrest histories—even
if the arrest does not result in a conviction—will find it difficult to
find full-time and adequately paying employment, and without adequate
employment they do not make attractive marriage partners," Professor
Paternoster said. "Our findings would suggest that for African-American
males, the cumulative probability of an arrest by age 23 is higher than the
cumulative probability completing college. This does not bode well for their
Other key findings include:
By age 18, 30 percent of black males, 26 percent of Hispanic males and
22 percent of white males have been arrested.
By age 23, 49 percent of black males, 44 percent of Hispanic males and
38 percent of white males have been arrested.
While the prevalence of arrest increased for females from age 18 to 23,
the variation between races was slight. At age 18, arrest rates were 12
percent for white females and 11.8 percent and 11.9 percent for Hispanic and
black females, respectively. By age 23, arrest rates were 20 percent for
white females and 18 percent and 16 percent for Hispanic and black females,
Professor Paternoster said that while the study's findings are eye-opening,
they prompt further inquiry and investigation.
"This is the first study in a very long time to be able to get these
estimates of the cumulative risk of arrest, and it would be expecting too
much for this one study to answer many questions. For instance, we observed
that African-American males had a greater risk of arrest than white males, a
difference we did not see among females, and it is not clear why this would
be so. Further, how much of the difference between African-American and
white males is due to differences in behavior and how much is due to other
factors like differences in police behavior or the behavior of victims is an
important question for future research," Professor Paternoster said.
In addition to Professor Paternoster, the study's researchers include lead
author Robert Brame of the University of South Carolina, Shawn Bushway of
the University of Albany and Michael Turner of the University of North
Carolina at Charlotte. This study, a representative sample of the larger
population, builds on a previous one by the team that was released in
January 2012 in the journal Pediatrics. That study garnered national
attention for providing the first look since the 1960s at arrest prevalence
and for its key finding that one in three people are arrested by age 23.
The research team next will seek to develop an understanding of the economic
, social and law enforcement factors that can influence arrests and what
role gender and race play.
发帖数: 5366
而且白女的arrested rate比黑女高,很多人表示震惊。

【在 y****6 的大作中提到】
: 一半的黑人和40%的白人在23岁之前曾经被捕过。并且黑人和白人之间差异很小。
: 这可是正儿八经的学术研究文章。
: http://www.umdrightnow.umd.edu/news/half-black-males-40-white-m
: COLLEGE PARK, Md. – Nearly half of black males and almost 40 percent of
: white males in the United States are arrested by age 23—which can hurt
: their ability to attend school, secure employment and participate fully in
: their communities, according to a new study in the journal Crime &
: Delinquency. The study's authors include Professor Ray Paternoster, a
: faculty member in the University of Maryland's No.1-ranked Department of
: Criminology & Criminal Justice.

发帖数: 53215

【在 u**b 的大作中提到】
: 对,最近这个讨论很热。
: 而且白女的arrested rate比黑女高,很多人表示震惊。

发帖数: 10729

【在 b*****e 的大作中提到】
: 我就不知道这有啥好震惊的,犯事就抓,管他什么肤色
发帖数: 9453
你这叫 平等 - 这才是最令人震惊的,这个世界上竟然有真正的平等!

【在 b*****e 的大作中提到】
: 我就不知道这有啥好震惊的,犯事就抓,管他什么肤色
1 (共1页)
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话题: males话题: arrest话题: percent话题: study话题: females