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USANews版 - 向女克林顿扔鞋的妇女身份已经被确认
Bruce Willis还是比较有种的人造全球暖化歇斯底里资金紧缺
"God bless America" Offends 85.2% liberalsFacts Falling Off the Fiscal Cliff
Trump 的话是私下说给一个人听的,被 offended 了就是个JOKE“中国制造”丑闻震撼德交所
'The Expendables 2': Return of Reagan-Era Heroism奥巴马国情咨文的感想
史泰龙给床铺的贺词川普推迟公布和党大会speaker schedule
看看这些船铺粉,等着社会停滞倒转再挖煤什么是human trafficking?
话题: james话题: holmes话题: ernst话题: woman话题: me
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发帖数: 29846
Woman Who Tossed Shoe at Hillary Clinton Identified
by Jammie via Jammie Wearing Fools
We were wondering why the media so so disinterested in this woman’s
identity. Obviously she must not have any relation to the Tea Party, so no
big deal.
The woman who threw her shoe at former Secretary of State Hillary
Clinton on Thursday in Las Vegas has been identified as Alison Michelle
Ernst of Arizona, a U.S. Secret Service agent told International Business
Brian Spellacy, special agent in charge for the Secret Service in Las
Vegas, said he was unsure of Ernst’s exact age but she was born in 1977.
Ernst is a resident of Phoenix, he said.
Now this is where it gets weird. Remember James Holmes?
“Holmes is an innocent man. James Holmes must be released to me ASAP.
This is a huge conspiracy,” the motion reads. “I am the Allison Ernst who
came to court bald with a red dress.”
The one-page motion references other conspiracies, including a new world
order and the death of Michael Jackson.
On Aug. 9, a bald woman who was wearing a red dress was ejected from the
courtroom during a hearing regarding the unsealing of court records. The
woman, later identified as Allison Michelle Ernst, stood up in the middle of
the hearing and claimed to have new evidence in the case. The Ernst motion
was denied after Judge William Sylvester signed an order saying she “has no
standing to intervene.”
At the first link they’re not sure if this is the same woman. If it is she
may just be a garden variety crackpot.
Comes now, the Plaintiff, facing imminent danger and bodily harm from
defendant James
Holmes, I seek a restraining order from James Holmes entering my mind
through subliminal
messaging and causing me to be obsessed with him on a daily basis. Iam
the Allison michelle ernst
that came to court with a bald head and red dress. I look like g.i. jane
. James Holmes also wont write me , he ignores all my letters I write him to
prison. James Holmes is innocent and has been
framed by the u.s. govt for new world order. I created a facebook group
called “james holmes is
innocent” and i can be found out there everyday rallying americans to
free james holmes. James
has taken over my life. I sleep, eat, and think James Holmes 24/7 and i
seek a restraining order to
have this james holmes mind manipulation to stop. I watched inception,
so I’m fully aware of
james holmes magical powers and also his neuo science studies which now
james enters my
head like dennis quaid in innerspace and he zooms to my heart and plays
with it and forces me
to care for him. James sent me naked photos of himself in a joker outfit
which offends me. James
Holmes wont even look at me on when he is in court and this offends me,
my life and skin. James Holmes is being framed.The number of inconsistencies
and questions continue to grow in the movie theatre massacre in Aurora
Colorado.At first I was pleasantly surprised that they would let us see more
of the courtroom proceedings. When he walked into the court room it
immediately fueled the exact kind of debate the powers that be do not want
us having. Such as “are we being manipulated” and by “whom”, because
once we reach a consensus on that then the power elite have lost control of
the game, or control of the “operation”.The judge put out the first gag
order a couple of days AFTER the first court appearance.
Oh boy. That link says she’s from Delaware and today’s Ernst is ID’d as
coming from Phoenix. Could it be the same woman?
1 (共1页)
什么是human trafficking?报道说休斯顿枪手是老黑,现在说是老印?
Bruce Willis还是比较有种的人造全球暖化歇斯底里资金紧缺
"God bless America" Offends 85.2% liberalsFacts Falling Off the Fiscal Cliff
Trump 的话是私下说给一个人听的,被 offended 了就是个JOKE“中国制造”丑闻震撼德交所
'The Expendables 2': Return of Reagan-Era Heroism奥巴马国情咨文的感想
话题: james话题: holmes话题: ernst话题: woman话题: me