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USANews版 - Ex-California city leader gets 12 years in prison
Jesse Jackson, Jr. to Be Sentenced Wednesdaya tea bagger sentenced to death
前新奥尔良民主党市长因腐败被判处10年Ultimate Justice
Former Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. sentenced to 30 months in prison (zt)Illegal Alien Sentenced to 33 Months in Prison
Jesse Jackson Jr. sentenced to 30 months in prison奥巴马的重要筹款人Antoin “Tony” Rezko被判入狱10年6个月,欺诈、洗钱、贿赂
川普说得没错:非法移民把毒品和犯罪带进美国Chicago Sun Times Does Hit-and-Run on Obama-Rezko Payoff Lead
大统令又从监狱里放了79个罪犯左X的逻辑:human life
加州2010年抓了8个腐败民主党,昨天Robert Rizzo判了12年Mostly Peaceful Occupy Bomb Plotters Sentenced to Prison
又一个黑色政治家落网 - [NYT] Former Newark Mayor Is Sentenced to 27 MonthsMaybe We Should Ban Liberal Sentencing Laws
话题: rizzo话题: he话题: bell话题: prison话题: said
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发帖数: 29846
April 16, 2014 - 2:04 PM
By JOHN ROGERS, Associated Press
LOS ANGELES (AP) — The former city manager of Bell was sentenced Wednesday
to 12 years in prison and ordered to make restitution of $8.8 million in a
corruption scheme that nearly bankrupted the small, blue-collar city.
Robert Rizzo apologized during sentencing in Los Angeles County Superior
Court, telling Judge Kathleen Kennedy he breached the public's confidence.
"It is a good thing to hear that he is sorry, and I'll take him at his word
that he is sorry," Kennedy said before addressing Rizzo directly. "But it
doesn't change the fact that, Mr. Rizzo, you did some very, very bad things
for a very long time."
The judge pointedly dismissed suggestions that she might sentence him to as
few as five years, and she referred to the famous quote, "Power tends to
corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely."
"That is the theme of what happened in Bell," Kennedy said. "There were no
checks and balances to control Mr. Rizzo and those that were in power in the
She said Rizzo and the other officials "gradually just chiseled away at any
controls that anyone else would be able to assert."
Rizzo previously pleaded no contest to 69 counts including conspiracy,
misappropriation of public funds and falsification of public records.
It was revealed in 2010 that Rizzo was giving himself an annual salary and
benefits package of $1.5 million in the city where a quarter of the
population lives below the federal poverty line. His $800,000 in wages alone
was double that of the president of the United States.
On Monday, Rizzo was sentenced separately to 33 months in federal prison for
income tax evasion after he acknowledged reporting more than $700,000 in
phony deductions to reduce tax liability on money authorities say he stole
from Bell.
The sentence in the corruption case will run concurrently with the federal
term. Rizzo will serve the first 33 months in federal prison then go to
state prison. He will be on parole for three years after he serves his time.
He was ordered to surrender by May 30.
At the time of his plea in the corruption case, Rizzo had offered to help
prosecutors convict his chief assistant, Angela Spaccia, who was later
sentenced to nearly 12 years in prison.
Defense attorney James Spertus said Rizzo's acknowledgement of his
wrongdoing and offer to help prosecutors warranted a sentence of no more
than five years in the corruption case.
"The court can send an appropriate message to the public: acceptance of
responsibility and cooperation matter," Spertus said previously.
In Bell's main business district, at its community center and elsewhere,
residents and business people were nearly unanimous earlier this week in
their opinion that nothing short of a life sentence would be sufficient for
what Rizzo had done to them.
"Is he going to get life? He should. He never cared about us, all he cared
about was our money," said recent Bell High School graduate Jose Morales,
who was riding his skateboard outside the community center on Tuesday
because Bell is now so broke it can't reopen its only skate park.
Authorities said the city of 36,000 was looted of more than $5.5 million by
a number of officials.
Spertus has indicated that Spaccia, as the official who drew up illegal
employment contracts that gave Rizzo his salary and benefits and herself $
564,000, played perhaps an equal role in the scam. Most of the City Council
members were also making about $100,000 a year for meeting about once a
month. They face terms ranging from probation to four years in prison when
they are sentenced later this year.
"Nobody wanted to upset the apple cart because they were being paid so well,
" the judge said during Rizzo's sentencing.
Residents were so angry when the corruption was exposed that they held a
recall election and tossed the officials from office.
An audit by the state controller's office found Bell illegally raised
property taxes, business license fees, sewage fees and trash collection fees
; illegally diverted gas taxes and other state and federal funds; and issued
$50 million in voter-approved municipal bonds for a public park that was
never built.
A good portion of that money, auditors found, went into the salaries and
pensions of the top officials.
1 (共1页)
Maybe We Should Ban Liberal Sentencing Laws川普说得没错:非法移民把毒品和犯罪带进美国
敢偷疤蟆的提词器? 判7年大统令又从监狱里放了79个罪犯
哈,伊利诺伊州民猪党州参议员带枪上飞机加州2010年抓了8个腐败民主党,昨天Robert Rizzo判了12年
How can IRS be so stupid!又一个黑色政治家落网 - [NYT] Former Newark Mayor Is Sentenced to 27 Months
Jesse Jackson, Jr. to Be Sentenced Wednesdaya tea bagger sentenced to death
前新奥尔良民主党市长因腐败被判处10年Ultimate Justice
Former Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. sentenced to 30 months in prison (zt)Illegal Alien Sentenced to 33 Months in Prison
Jesse Jackson Jr. sentenced to 30 months in prison奥巴马的重要筹款人Antoin “Tony” Rezko被判入狱10年6个月,欺诈、洗钱、贿赂
话题: rizzo话题: he话题: bell话题: prison话题: said