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USANews版 - 民猪党议员: 共产主义行得通
民猪党提出要对firearm多征税News and Not News
加州民猪党希望之星因为涉嫌偷盗被捕Latino Gomez puts lie to Dems’ story line
民猪党老黑众议员说美国宪法有400年了Democrat Email: ‘Sign our note to President Obama thanking him for all he’s done’
Black Men for Bernie Founder now working to convince blacks to vote for TrumpApproval Ratings Hit 5-Year High for GOP, New Low for Obama
In ‘cliff’ talks, Obama on brink of disaster本次大选就是选择谁歧视你的问题
Democrats Now Asking for Money If You Support Obama or Something谁是种族主义一目了然
Marco Rubio Tells Colin Powell to Pound SandAdelson pours $25 million into White House race
话题: america话题: works话题: border话题: doing
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发帖数: 29846
Democrat Congressman: “We’ve proved that Communism works”
by Jammie
It’s worked so well it’s only killed millions.
“When you attract people, you are the dominant culture that people
want to emulate and copy what you’re doing because it works. And in America
, we are doing a huge disservice to ourselves by not understanding how
powerful of a driver in the economy an immigration system that works can be
— and continues to be — and by not having an immigration system that works
. Let me give you an example, the kind of money we’ve poured in: So the
most dangerous—sorry, the safest city in America is El Paso, Texas. It
happens to be across the border from the most dangerous city in the Americas
, which is Juarez. Right? And two of the safest cities in America, two of
them are on the border with Mexico. And of course, the reason is we’ve
proved that Communism works. If you give everybody a good, government job,
there’s no crime. But that isn’t what we should be doing on the border.
The kind of money we’ve poured into it, and we’re having diminishing
returns. So while we’re doing—we’re spending all of this money here, we
have border problems in Puerto Rico. We haven’t been able to set up a
system that’s safe there. People are finding alternative routes. The
opportunity to get this right and the mistake that Republicans make — and I
say Republicans because it’s Republicans right now — I’m known to say
that Democrats were also possessed by Xenophobia in 2008 and particularly
after 9/11 and the economic crisis, but today we’re in a much better place
as a party. And the problem that Republicans have is that they’re fighting
a battle they cannot win.”
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Adelson pours $25 million into White House raceBlack Men for Bernie Founder now working to convince blacks to vote for Trump
NYC某些地方坏到邮递员都不愿意去送mailIn ‘cliff’ talks, Obama on brink of disaster
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民猪党提出要对firearm多征税News and Not News
加州民猪党希望之星因为涉嫌偷盗被捕Latino Gomez puts lie to Dems’ story line
民猪党老黑众议员说美国宪法有400年了Democrat Email: ‘Sign our note to President Obama thanking him for all he’s done’
话题: america话题: works话题: border话题: doing