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USANews版 - Most Liberals Are Dumb
Megyn Kellytrump的粉丝们,你们说trump还参加fox的辩论吗?
Megyn Kelly to Take 9 PM Slot at Fox News?one-on-one with Megyn Kelly
美女主播称耶稣和圣诞老人为白种人 被狂批Megyn Kelly帮Trump助选了
Megyn Kelly 把Sandra Fluke驳得体无完肤Debate Disgrace: Fox News Exposed as Pro-Rubio Super PAC
Megyn Kelly facebook做题:Thank you, Kelly Megyn.
Trump又把对手甩出几条街了MEGYN KELLY居然也会娇羞一笑
川普太牛逼了Megyn Kelly and Michelle Fields conspired to sell fake story
Megyn kelly昨天看fox news 到深夜,大部分的主播pro
话题: megyn话题: liberals话题: dumb话题: liberal话题: most
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 5965
A liberal became obsessed with Megyn Kelly, she spent days following her
show Fox News, and this liberal believed that Megyn is a liberal.
Anyone with half of a functioning brain wouldn't think Megyn Kelly is a
There are three types of liberals in America...
1. The evil ones, with hidden agendas
2. The dumb or stupid ones
3. The mislead ones
发帖数: 2896
lol, so true.

【在 E*********o 的大作中提到】
: A liberal became obsessed with Megyn Kelly, she spent days following her
: show Fox News, and this liberal believed that Megyn is a liberal.
: Anyone with half of a functioning brain wouldn't think Megyn Kelly is a
: liberal.
: There are three types of liberals in America...
: 1. The evil ones, with hidden agendas
: 2. The dumb or stupid ones
: 3. The mislead ones

1 (共1页)
昨天看fox news 到深夜,大部分的主播proMegyn Kelly facebook
Megyn Kelly is such a B*tch!Trump又把对手甩出几条街了
megan kelly真讨厌啊川普太牛逼了
Megyn Kelly应该是爱上床铺了Megyn kelly
Megyn Kellytrump的粉丝们,你们说trump还参加fox的辩论吗?
Megyn Kelly to Take 9 PM Slot at Fox News?one-on-one with Megyn Kelly
美女主播称耶稣和圣诞老人为白种人 被狂批Megyn Kelly帮Trump助选了
Megyn Kelly 把Sandra Fluke驳得体无完肤Debate Disgrace: Fox News Exposed as Pro-Rubio Super PAC
话题: megyn话题: liberals话题: dumb话题: liberal话题: most