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USANews版 - Megyn Kelly 把Sandra Fluke驳得体无完肤
Rush Limbaugh Calls a Female Georgetown Student, Sandra Fluke, a 'Slut'Let's talk about liberal facts.
Steyn哀叹今日美国the facts about george town contraception coverage
Mia Love or Sandra Fluke ?Georgetown Rejects Fluke-Led Effort on Contraception
没钱买避孕套的Sandra Fluke要竞选众议员了Scarlett Johansson 应该给GM汽车工人提供免费性服务
Sandra Fluke's Biggest Donor Is ... Sandra FlukeMegyn Kelly
林保问: Fluke能捐10万刀给自己,怎么会没钱买避孕药的?Megyn Kelly to Take 9 PM Slot at Fox News?
著名的避孕套社会活动家Sandra Fluke在加州选举惨败美女主播称耶稣和圣诞老人为白种人 被狂批
纽约签行政令保护妇女避孕权,赞一个Most Liberals Are Dumb
话题: kelly话题: fluke话题: megyn话题: sandra话题: supreme
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 29846
Megyn Kelly Blows Away Sandra Fluke in Debate Over Supreme Court, Hobby
Fox News’ Megyn Kelly, in this video, blows away the pro-HHS mandate
arguments abortion advocate Sandra Fluke tries to make in her response to
the Supreme Court’s decision yesterday saying that companies are not
required to follow the HHS abortion mandate.
Kelly passionately defended religious liberty on “The O’Reilly Factor”
Monday after the Supreme Court sided in favor of Hobby Lobby in a 5-4
From The Daily Caller:
Fluke described the decision as an attempt to limit women’s access to
health care, saying “What this is really about at its base is trying to
figure out as many ways as possible to limit women’s access to reproductive
healthcare.”Kelly wasted no time in launching into an explanation of the
ridiculousness of Flukes allegation.“It hurts, it hurts, it doesn’t matter
how many times you say something,” she said. “It doesn’t matter whether
it’s true if she says it over and over, it’s not true, just don’t believe
that, she doesn’t know what she’s talking about.”
“So it’s a lot of corporations that could be affected, but only those
who feel strongly about their religious beliefs,” Kelly explained. “Those
folks aren’t going to have to provide abortion-related drugs: drugs that
terminate an already-fertilized egg. That’s the only — out of 20 birth-
control drugs that are available, they still have to cover 16. They just
said we don’t want to fund those forms of birth control that end a
fertilized egg.”
1 (共1页)
Most Liberals Are DumbSandra Fluke's Biggest Donor Is ... Sandra Fluke
Megyn Kelly facebook林保问: Fluke能捐10万刀给自己,怎么会没钱买避孕药的?
Trump又把对手甩出几条街了著名的避孕套社会活动家Sandra Fluke在加州选举惨败
Rush Limbaugh Calls a Female Georgetown Student, Sandra Fluke, a 'Slut'Let's talk about liberal facts.
Steyn哀叹今日美国the facts about george town contraception coverage
Mia Love or Sandra Fluke ?Georgetown Rejects Fluke-Led Effort on Contraception
没钱买避孕套的Sandra Fluke要竞选众议员了Scarlett Johansson 应该给GM汽车工人提供免费性服务
话题: kelly话题: fluke话题: megyn话题: sandra话题: supreme