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USANews版 - 这个消息让得病的gay佬失望了
HIV TEST归来... (T_T) (转载)关于艾滋病:美国政府就是掩耳盗铃 (转载)
UN and Planned Parenthood Sponsor Campaign to OK Willful HIV Infection同性婚姻在美国三十个州合法化
看这个:每人都要测试爱死病了, 医保费用不上升才怪男同的HIV问题
克罗地亚通过全民公投决定 禁止变态人渣篡改婚姻定义。 (转载)巴马又一个legacy: US life expectancy declines for first time in 20 years
话题: hiv话题: treatment话题: infection话题: said话题: doctors
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 29846
Girl hoped to have been cured of HIV has relapsed
July 10, 2014 - 4:35 PM
A Mississippi girl born with the AIDS virus and in remission for more than
two years despite stopping treatment now shows signs that she still harbors
HIV — and therefore is not cured. The news is a setback to hopes that very
early treatment with powerful HIV drugs might reverse an infection that has
seemed permanent once it takes hold.
The girl is now nearly 4. As recently as March, doctors had said that she
seemed free of HIV though she was not being treated with AIDS drugs. That
was a medical first.
But on Thursday, doctors said they were surprised last week to find the
virus in her blood, and there were signs that it was harming her immune
system. She is now back on treatment and is responding well, they said.
The news is "obviously disappointing" and will affect a federal study that
had been about to start testing early, aggressive treatment in such cases,
said Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and
Infectious Diseases. Doctors had been considering stopping treatment if no
signs of infection could be detected after two years.
"We're going to take a good hard look at the study and see if it needs any
modifications," either in terms of length of treatment or because of ethical
concerns over raising false hopes about an approach that now has suffered a
setback, Fauci said. At a minimum, consent forms to join the study must be
revised, he said.
Most HIV-infected moms in the U.S. get AIDS medicines during pregnancy,
which greatly cuts the chances they will pass the virus to their babies. The
Mississippi baby's mom received no prenatal care and her HIV was discovered
during labor. Because of the baby's great risk of infection, doctors
started her on unusually powerful treatment 30 hours after birth, even
before tests could determine whether she was indeed infected.
The girl was treated until she was 18 months old, when doctors lost contact
with her. Ten months later when she returned, they could find no sign of
infection even though the mom had stopped giving her AIDS medicines.
Tests repeatedly showed no detectable HIV until last week, when copies of
the virus were measured in her blood. Doctors say they don't know why the
virus rebounded when it did, and said it raises profound questions about
what they know about HIV's hideouts in the body.
"We are still very much in the early discovery phase of trying to achieve a
sustained virological remission and perhaps even a cure. There is much, much
more to learn and we remain committed to doing so," Fauci said.
The girl's experience still suggests that early, aggressive treatment can
limit the size of the reservoir of dormant virus in the body and help
control infection, said one specialist involved in the case, Dr. Deborah
Persaud of Johns Hopkins Children's Center in Baltimore.
"What we've learned from this case is really quite amazing," said Jeffrey
Safrit, research chief at the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation. "
They were able to suppress virus for a very long time without therapy. We
need to take the positive aspects of this case and learn from them to move
forward" with the federal study, he said.
In March, doctors revealed that a second baby born with HIV may have had her
infection put into remission by very early treatment — in this case, four
hours after her birth in suburban Los Angeles in April 2013. Nearly a year
later, very sophisticated tests at multiple times suggested she had
completely cleared the virus, but she remains on treatment so there is no
way to know for sure.
Only one other person is thought to have been cured of HIV infection — a
San Francisco man who had a bone marrow transplant in 2007 from a donor with
natural resistance to HIV. He showed no sign of infection more than five
years later.
发帖数: 1896
发帖数: 2585
我也很奇怪。对直男来说, Gay佬越多越好。

【在 U********S 的大作中提到】
: 人不在乎的,很多地方hiv是免费医疗的,每月3000多的药费都是你我交的税买单。
发帖数: 75

★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 8.7

【在 l****z 的大作中提到】
: Girl hoped to have been cured of HIV has relapsed
: July 10, 2014 - 4:35 PM
: By MARILYNN MARCHIONE, Associated Press
: A Mississippi girl born with the AIDS virus and in remission for more than
: two years despite stopping treatment now shows signs that she still harbors
: HIV — and therefore is not cured. The news is a setback to hopes that very
: early treatment with powerful HIV drugs might reverse an infection that has
: seemed permanent once it takes hold.
: The girl is now nearly 4. As recently as March, doctors had said that she
: seemed free of HIV though she was not being treated with AIDS drugs. That

1 (共1页)
巴马又一个legacy: US life expectancy declines for first time in 20 years“男性同性性行为群体占美国人口2%,占2009年艾滋病毒感染总数的61%”
马里兰空气甜美,好日忘鞭,学校教练得HIV后性侵42名学生 (转载)看这个:每人都要测试爱死病了, 医保费用不上升才怪
研究艾滋病治疗对人类究竟是有益还是?克罗地亚通过全民公投决定 禁止变态人渣篡改婚姻定义。 (转载)
HIV TEST归来... (T_T) (转载)关于艾滋病:美国政府就是掩耳盗铃 (转载)
UN and Planned Parenthood Sponsor Campaign to OK Willful HIV Infection同性婚姻在美国三十个州合法化
话题: hiv话题: treatment话题: infection话题: said话题: doctors