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USANews版 - Radio Talk Show Host Mark Levin Honored for 'Media Excellence'
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如果把性行为的表达权作为定义婚姻的终极标准,那你如何避免多妻或多夫情况?小评RealClear Politics 头版新闻
话题: levin话题: media话题: award话题: mrc话题: president
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发帖数: 29846
September 30, 2014 - 10:24 AM
By Barbara Hollingsworth
Landmark Legal Foundation president and radio talk show host Mark Levin
(CNSNews.com) – Mark Levin, a constitutional lawyer and best-selling
conservative author whose three-hour syndicated talk radio show reaches
seven million listeners each day, won the Media Research Center’s (MRC)
2014 William F. Buckley Award for Media Excellence.
Levin was presented with the award by Buckley’s nephew, MRC president L.
Brent Bozell, before hundreds of conservative activists and celebrities at
the group’s annual Gala held in Washington last Thursday.
Referring to the recent resignation of Attorney General Eric Holder, Levin
quipped that he was “not running for attorney general. I’m running from
the attorney general” before launching into an acceptance speech in which
he quoted extensively from conservative icons Buckley and Ronald Reagan on
the hostility directed at conservatives from both liberal Democrats and
Establishment Republicans.
“We seek to preserve our liberty here, our Constitution and our country,”
Levin told the crowd. “And I believe the hour is late and the time is now
for another Buckley- Reagan revolution.”
Audience members at the Gala got a chance to vote electronically for the
most outrageous examples of media bias for MRC's Media DisHonors Awards, a
spoof of traditional journalism awards. This year’s list of nominees was
winnowed down by a group of conservative media personalities.
Daily Beast columnist Eleanor Clift was the big “winner” - taking both the
“Dan Rather Memorial Award for the Most Stupid Analysis” and the “Quote
of the Year” Award for her May 11, 2013 appearance on The McLaughlin Group
in which she said that U.S. Ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens, one of
four Americans killed on Sept. 11, 2012 during a terrorist attack on the U.S
. mission in Benghazi, “was not murdered. He died of smoke inhalation in
the safe room in that CIA installation.”
Former MSNBC host Martin Bashir won the “Damn Those Conservatives to Hell”
Award for stating on Nov. 15, 2013 that former Republican vice presidential
candidate Sarah Palin was “an outstanding candidate” for a disgusting
practice used to punish slaves called “Darby’s Dose”.
MRC’s “Celebrity Dumb Ass” Award went to actor Rob Reiner, who said on
the Nov. 1, 2013 Real Time with Bill Maher show that as far as ideology is
concerned, President “Obama’s right around where Bob Dole is. I mean, they
’re very similar, you know?”
MSNBC’s The Cycle co-host Krystal Ball won the #obamacarefail Award for her
Sept. 24, 2013 accusation that Republicans are telling young people that “
if you die an agonizing and unnecessary death, one that could have been
prevented by the health insurance reform that bears the President’s name,
at least you know your death will have not been in vain” because President
Obama was denied “a victory.”
MRC is the parent company of CNSNews.com.
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美女主持人水晶球火了!Crystal Ball is on fire!美国生产石油生产的太多了,都没地方放了
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话题: levin话题: media话题: award话题: mrc话题: president