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USANews版 - White House: Rand Paul Correct to be Concerned US Troops Could Get Ebola
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话题: paul话题: ebola话题: concerned话题: house话题: white
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发帖数: 29846
White House: Rand Paul Correct to be Concerned US Troops Could Get Ebola
via Breitbart Feed
On Sunday, the White House conceded that Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) was right to
be concerned that U.S. troops heading to West Africa could be exposed to
"It's a concern that is being dealt with and we're prepared to deal with,"
White House Senior Adviser Dan Pfeiffer said on Sunday's Meet The Press when
asked of Paul's remarks last week. "People will be screened appropriately,
we'll make sure that doesn't happen."
On last week's The Laura Ingraham Show, Paul said rational decisions on
Ebola are not being made because of concerns about political correctness.
"We also have to be concerned about 3,000 soldiers getting back on a ship.
Where is disease most transmittable? When you’re at very close confines on
a ship," Paul said last week. "We all know about cruises and how they get
these diarrhea viruses that are transmitted very easily and the whole ship
gets sick--can you imagine if a whole ship full of our soldiers gets Ebola?
So I am concerned about it and it’s a big mistake to downplay it and act as
if it’s not a big deal... this could get beyond our control.”
On Face The Nation, Anthony Fauci of the NIH dismissed Paul's concerns even
though Fauci admitted that "human error" on all levels played a huge role in
the mishandling of Thomas Eric Duncan, the first person on American soil to
be infected with Ebola. An NBC cameraman in West Africa was also infected
with Ebola.
1 (共1页)
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话题: paul话题: ebola话题: concerned话题: house话题: white