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USANews版 - Majority Wants Ban on Travel From Ebola-Stricken Countries and Full Quarantine
CT Democrat Governor Enacts Mandatory Ebola QuarantineCost of ObamaCare’s Failed Massachusetts Site Now Tops $500 Million
继澳大利亚之后,加拿大也关闭了对西非三国的visa发放New Ebola Czar Was Deeply Involved in Solyndra Scandal
美国军人离开西非,马上被意大利隔离起来Ebola Czar Not Included in White House Ebola Meeting
Nurse From Hell Isn’t Polling Welldiversity visa google浏览统计
Poll: 82% want quarantine, 66% would block entry编剧是穿越来的吗!? 感染埃博拉的医生将飞来亚特兰大 (转载)
巴马要派国民警卫队去利比里亚看Cspan现场电话Is ebola mandatory quarantine necessary
Hickox这个恶心的女人Go Ahead, Sue Me:NJ Gov. Chris Christie to Ebola Quarantine Nurse
President Shutdown’s Approval Plummets to 37%Media Sad Face: Obama Honeymoon May Be Over
话题: ebola话题: travel话题: americans话题: countries话题: full
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发帖数: 29846
Massive Majority Wants Ban on Travel From Ebola-Stricken Countries and Full
by Jammie via Jammie Wearing Fools
This should come as a shock to the media and their newest darling, that
annoying nurse from Maine. Of course they’ll just ignore it and proceed as
if the wishes of Americans doesn’t matter.
Nearly seven in 10 Americans believe the United States should shut its
doors to foreigners traveling from countries that have seen cases of the
Ebola virus, and six in 10 say there should be a total ban on incoming
travel for everyone – including Americans – who want to enter the U.S.
Republicans are overwhelmingly against issuing travel visas to people
who have been to the Ebola hot zone, with 90 per cent favoring the no-room-
at-the-inn approach. Older Americans also preferred a closed-door policy by
large numbers.
The GOP also leads the field in asking for travel restrictions on anyone
entering the U.S. from Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea. More than three-
fourths of Republicans hold that view, compared with barely half of
Republicans also far outstrip Democrats on the question of 21-day forced
quarantines for those entering the U.S. from affected countries. Two-thirds
of GOPers think isolating potential patients is a must-do. Barely one in
three Democrats agree.
The stunning results come from a MailOnline/YouGov poll that surveyed 1,
000 Americans, suggesting they’re eager to see the Obama White House
embrace the position of Australia – which shut its borders last Tuesday to
all travelers from Ebola-stricken nations – and of Canada, which followed
suit on Friday.
Meanwhile, has anyone seen “Ebola Czar” Ron Klain yet? We figure perhaps
he’s quarantined himself.
1 (共1页)
Media Sad Face: Obama Honeymoon May Be OverPoll: 82% want quarantine, 66% would block entry
稀拉里的approval rate急剧下降巴马要派国民警卫队去利比里亚
Historic! Obama Now Least Liked Living PresidentHickox这个恶心的女人
罗姆尼压根儿就没打算赢President Shutdown’s Approval Plummets to 37%
CT Democrat Governor Enacts Mandatory Ebola QuarantineCost of ObamaCare’s Failed Massachusetts Site Now Tops $500 Million
继澳大利亚之后,加拿大也关闭了对西非三国的visa发放New Ebola Czar Was Deeply Involved in Solyndra Scandal
美国军人离开西非,马上被意大利隔离起来Ebola Czar Not Included in White House Ebola Meeting
Nurse From Hell Isn’t Polling Welldiversity visa google浏览统计
话题: ebola话题: travel话题: americans话题: countries话题: full