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USANews版 - 面对gay佬的疯狂攻击,宗教信仰人士有新招
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话题: fr话题: them话题: your话题: business话题: christian
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发帖数: 29846
Christians to Gays: We'll Accept Your Business and Donate Your Money to '
Traditional Pro-Family Lobby'
April 10, 2015 - 11:36 AM
By Michael W. Chapman
While gay activists are attacking Christian bakeries and wedding planners
and filing lawsuits to put them out of business because of their religious
beliefs, a Catholic priest has come up with a simple solution that, if
adopted nationally, likely could end much of the gay and left-wing offensive
in this realm.
Simply, accept all business from gays and tell them that the money will be
donated to a traditional pro-family lobby or organization. And if your
business is catering, for instance, show up at the gay wedding wearing a
Cross necklace, a Bible-pin on your lapel, and a Bible verse embroidered on
your uniform that expresses your morality, such as Mark 10:6-7, "But at the
beginning of creation God made them male and female. For this reason a man
will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife."
As Fr. John Zuhlsdorf explains in his Apr. 2 blog post, "It’s time for
everyone to calm down. We need a new approach. Think about this. When some
homosexual couple comes to your Christian business for services at their
immoral event, don’t panic. Go ahead and take their business!"
"Then explain what is going to happen next," says Fr. Z on his popular blog
"Tell them that the food and services will be just fine. And then inform
them that all of the money that they pay for the services will be donated to
a traditional pro-family lobby."
"If it is something like catering, where your employees have to be there to
provide services, tell them that all your people will smile, be professional
, and everyone of them will be wearing crucifixes and have the Holy Family
embroidered on their uniforms," says Fr. Z.
"Then show them pictures of your uniforms," he writes. "When the truck
pulls up, speakers will be playing Immaculate Mary. Show them the truck and
play the music."
“Oh, you would be offended by that? I’m so sorry," notes Fr. Z. "You
approached us because we are Christians. Right? We are happy to provide
services for you and we are grateful that you chose to come to our Christian
catering business. We just want to be of help.”
The priest continued, "Then tell them that you will take out an ad in the
paper to let everyone know what you did with their money, thanking them by
name for their business so that you could make the contribution."
"I suspect this approach, if adopted far and wide, would put an end to
attacks on Christian businesses," said Fr. Z.
Fr. John Zuhlsdorf is a Catholic priest of the diocese of Velletri-Segni,
which is a diocese in Italy close to Rome, headed by Bishop Vincenzo
Apicella. Fr. Zuhlsdorf was ordained a priest by St. Pope John Paul II in
Fr. Zuhlsdorf currently resides in Madison, Wisc., where he serves as
president of the Tridentine Mass Society of the Diocese of Madison, under
Bishop Robert C. Morlino.
发帖数: 10729
发帖数: 2964
That's a bit silly. Is this guy suggesting the service providers provide one
type, and only one type, service, to everyone, gay or straight, believers
or not? Or even within Christian, but different branch? Say a straight
couple who do not like your uniform, what will you do? Change the uniform (
but not to the request of potential gay costumers) so that to open the door
to lawsuit from gay couples? Refuse to change but risk losing business to a
significant portion of populace? That is really a "great" business idea, a
priest, no wonder.


【在 l****z 的大作中提到】
: Christians to Gays: We'll Accept Your Business and Donate Your Money to '
: Traditional Pro-Family Lobby'
: April 10, 2015 - 11:36 AM
: By Michael W. Chapman
: While gay activists are attacking Christian bakeries and wedding planners
: and filing lawsuits to put them out of business because of their religious
: beliefs, a Catholic priest has come up with a simple solution that, if
: adopted nationally, likely could end much of the gay and left-wing offensive
: in this realm.
: Simply, accept all business from gays and tell them that the money will be

发帖数: 2410
还可以告诉他们用所收获的 money 用于 support 打gay 佬骚扰官司


【在 l****z 的大作中提到】
: Christians to Gays: We'll Accept Your Business and Donate Your Money to '
: Traditional Pro-Family Lobby'
: April 10, 2015 - 11:36 AM
: By Michael W. Chapman
: While gay activists are attacking Christian bakeries and wedding planners
: and filing lawsuits to put them out of business because of their religious
: beliefs, a Catholic priest has come up with a simple solution that, if
: adopted nationally, likely could end much of the gay and left-wing offensive
: in this realm.
: Simply, accept all business from gays and tell them that the money will be

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话题: fr话题: them话题: your话题: business话题: christian