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USANews版 - 伊利诺伊立法者自作自受
伊利诺伊州已经破产了,只是还没有宣布而已Illinois Ranks as One of Worst States for Losing Citizens
伊州共和党州长要对pension大改革, 密西根已有了先例伊利诺伊又要加税啦
Illinois Senate Passes 'Sanctuary State' ProposalNJ要给非法移民出2百万的律师费
伊州共和党新州长比较牛阿, 一出手就对准了工会WSJ: Change Nobody Believes
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怎么又是她!这个州的人真是苦命。Barry Was A Race Car Driver
话题: illinois话题: state话题: may话题: editorial话题: rauner
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发帖数: 29846
Illinois Political Chickens Coming Home To Roost
David Robertson May 11, 2015
“Politicians are to blame for the state’s fiscal woes, but mainly because
they colluded with unions to promise unsustainable benefits in return for
political support.” – Wall Street Journal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The above quote comes from a May 8, 2015 Wall Street Journal editorial
titled “Illinois Pension Blowup”, subtitled “State judges tell taxpayers
to pay for political-union failure.”
Here is how the editorial begins:
The Constitution is not a suicide pact—except maybe in Illinois. On
Friday [May 8, 2015] the Illinois Supreme Court struck down modest pension
reforms as a violation of the state constitution in a decision that tees up
state taxpayers for years of tax increases.
The court ruled unanimously that pensions are inviolable under the plain
text of the state constitution, which holds that “Membership in any
pension or retirement system of the State, any unit of local government or
school district, or any agency or instrumentality thereof, shall be an
enforceable contractual relationship, the benefits of which shall not be
diminished or impaired.”
Here is how the editorial ends:
All of this means that Illinois and its municipalities may soon have
little choice but to raise taxes or restructure debts to pay for pensions.
Chicago, whose credit rating is two notches above junk, faces a $20 billion
unfunded liability for pensions and $1.1 billion balloon payment next year.
Unions (and perhaps investors) were counting on a state bailout, but now
they will probably beg Washington for a rescue.
Republican Governor Bruce Rauner has floated an alternative: a state
constitutional amendment allowing pension modifications, which would require
a public referendum and two-thirds vote of the legislature. Barring that,
Illinois taxpayers may want to start contemplating Indiana or Florida
A May 8,2015 Chicago Tribune editorial says the following:
The Illinois legislators who created this retiree benefits debacle will
try to shift the blame. Notice how often you hear about “Rauner’s proposed
budget cuts” for this and the next fiscal year. As if the newcomer, not
his predecessors, devastated state finances.
No, voters understood who caused this. They elected Rauner in the hope
that he could lead the salvage mission. Many of the legislators who voted
for the provisions now choking state and local governments will fight him
every step of the way. . .
. . . So as the slashing of non-retirement costs intensifies, don’t
blame the chief executive officers who have to wield the knives. Blame the
state and local lawmakers who, over the decades, built this miserable
Illinois slaughterhouse.
So, what do Wizbang readers think of this current event taking place in
* * * * *
The URL to the above-quoted WSJ editorial is http://www.wsj.com/articles/illinois-pension-blowup-1431125048
Reading the editorial was free for non-WSJ subscribers as of May 10,2015.
However, at a future time, people might have to have a WSJ subscription in
order to read it.
发帖数: 688
1 (共1页)
Barry Was A Race Car Driver伊利诺伊州长挑战工会达到白热化
Democrats Claim Charlie Hebdo Murderers ‘Aren’t Muslims’伊利诺伊州民猪党一团糟
伊利诺伊州已经破产了,只是还没有宣布而已Illinois Ranks as One of Worst States for Losing Citizens
伊州共和党州长要对pension大改革, 密西根已有了先例伊利诺伊又要加税啦
Illinois Senate Passes 'Sanctuary State' ProposalNJ要给非法移民出2百万的律师费
伊州共和党新州长比较牛阿, 一出手就对准了工会WSJ: Change Nobody Believes
话题: illinois话题: state话题: may话题: editorial话题: rauner