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USANews版 - 奥巴马下的Ferguson 又一个动荡的黑夜
Re: 一个ASU左逼学生想攻击一个举标语的,结果被痛扁 (转载)哈佛教授:为何奥巴马不能连任
Alton Sterling's 犯罪记录WSJ:美国政府关门事小 债务威胁事大
黑豹党打算去炸Ferguson警察局,但食品券卡里没钱了奥巴马呼吁警方尊重密苏里的示威者。 (转载)
Black death matters我一个老右派对Ferguson 事件的看法
O8身边的人:Loretta Lynch (转载)[bssd] 左和右的争斗 (不要推荐首页)
奥巴马外交战略的彻底失败 作者:袁晓明顶着美新版政治正确的压力,心平气和滴说一下希拉里
话题: ferguson话题: police话题: what话题: shot话题: those
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 10729
Suspect in Ferguson gun battle shot by police amid Michael Brown protest
ST. LOUIS COUNTY police say a gun battle in Ferguson climaxed when a man
opened fire on plainclothes police detectives before being pursued and shot
by the officers, while the suspect's father says his son and Michael Brown '
were real close'.
That's what happens when you shoot at an officer, or anyone protecting their
2nd amendment rights for that matter, expect to get shot back. Honestly
what is wrong with that city?
The question is ... what is wrong with the culture... they have too many
issues no amount of money can cure... we tried that..
This is front page news? If you don't want to get shot, don't open fire on
police. Next...
Honestly, Who cares?
GIVE ME A BREAK!!!!!!! I understand that the system is flawed, But the only
way to break the system is break the mold. Instead of being frustrated with
the police,protesters and everyone else should be enraged by the complete
disregard those shooters had for the importance and significance of what
they are trying to accomplish.
If we want change, we need to hold each other accountable. It takes an
entire community to enact change
Here's what we've seen in the past and what I still believe is the solution
to these types of socioeconomic problems.
That is, one generation needs to sacrifice its opportunities to provide that
very opportunity to the next. The former works hard, scrimps, saves and
guides the latter to give them the education and launch pad for a better
Remember, the first wave of immigrants, that came to America to not only
seek opportunity for themselves but also, and perhaps mainly, for their
children's future, and they acted and planned accordingly.
Importantly, this solution can be applied to any race or ethnic group. I do
wonder why this is never discussed.
@SJC Cross That is what people do for their children. It is more difficult
to do when you have a culture of welfare dependency, where paternity and
family life are not synonymous, and where parents (usually mothers) don't
supervise their children. You can't ask that those who work hard and
properly raise their children to sacrifice for those who don't.
Maybe the black entertainers and sports stars should get more involved in
providing opportunities for black communities. Perhaps I am wrong, but you
never seem to hear about any major donations or foundations that they
establish, although they are quick to tweet for BLM and other similar
Of course they are tired of the police. They interfere with drug deals,
robberies, burglaries, and other means of economic improvement. Berate the
police, curtail them, indict them, and do everything possible to make sure
that they are not proactive. It is working so well in Baltimore, where
their murder rate is now second in the nation, behind St. Louis. Maybe
Ferguson can catch up to Charm City.
发帖数: 53215
honestly, who cares


【在 T*********I 的大作中提到】
: Suspect in Ferguson gun battle shot by police amid Michael Brown protest
: ST. LOUIS COUNTY police say a gun battle in Ferguson climaxed when a man
: opened fire on plainclothes police detectives before being pursued and shot
: by the officers, while the suspect's father says his son and Michael Brown '
: were real close'.
: 评论倒是中肯:
: That's what happens when you shoot at an officer, or anyone protecting their
: 2nd amendment rights for that matter, expect to get shot back. Honestly
: what is wrong with that city?
: The question is ... what is wrong with the culture... they have too many

1 (共1页)
奥巴马:右派不要黑我了,美国经济比八年前好!O8身边的人:Loretta Lynch (转载)
工作AA特辑奥巴马外交战略的彻底失败 作者:袁晓明
Re: 一个ASU左逼学生想攻击一个举标语的,结果被痛扁 (转载)哈佛教授:为何奥巴马不能连任
Alton Sterling's 犯罪记录WSJ:美国政府关门事小 债务威胁事大
黑豹党打算去炸Ferguson警察局,但食品券卡里没钱了奥巴马呼吁警方尊重密苏里的示威者。 (转载)
Black death matters我一个老右派对Ferguson 事件的看法
话题: ferguson话题: police话题: what话题: shot话题: those