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USANews版 - Harley摩托dealer被迫取消支持穆斯林组织的活动
因煽动种族战争,奥巴马和BLM创始人等被起诉Chicago tribune: Louis Farrakhan's anti-Semitism and the s
Bikers For Trump获得了宣誓日示威许可。床铺贸易战初见成效:Harley-Davidson把厂子搬国外去了,哈哈
foxnews 刚刚在讨论巴马参加 the Million Man March 的事情床铺贸易战初见成效: Harley-Davidson把厂子搬国外去了,哈哈
民智孱弱至此,还鸡巴搞神马民煮。擦我靠,原来这是摩托党的惯用伎俩来讹钱的, 俗称碰瓷
果然来了, 穆斯林领袖号召放下美国国旗哈哈,关于左媒的一个笑话,a really good one.
神马是nation of IslamBlack death matters
Maxine Waters Attended Nation Of Islam ConventionEU山寨中国:工作时禁止穆斯林头纱 (转载)
Trump: 'Trade wars are good, and easy to win'穆斯林组织在白宫门口聚餐
话题: harley话题: islam话题: nation话题: davidson话题: dealership
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发帖数: 29846
Harley Dealership Cancels Nation of Islam Event After Receiving Major
John S. Roberts
September 8, 2015 6:00 pm
I guess when Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan isn’t having dinner
with rapper Eminem in Detroit, he’s setting up deals with Harley-Davidson
dealerships in order to spread the word of Allah.
Not so fast, say nearly 6,000 people.
Check it out…
From Daily Caller:
A Harley Davidson dealership near Washington, D.C., faced massive
Internet backlash over the weekend after word spread on social media that it
planned to host a rally sponsored by the Nation of Islam.
Bikers participating in Rev. Louis Farrakhan’s “Ride for Justice”
originally planned to meet up at the Fort Washington, Md., motorcycle
dealership, but a huge online backlash forced them to change their minds.
A petition circulating online calling on the owners of the dealership to
cancel the event already has close to 6,000 signatures, and appears to have
worked. According to The Associated Press, the event has been called off.
The dealership is independently owned, and the petition also called for
Harley to “revoke the license of the D.C. location,” if it in fact went
through with this.
The petition also seeks for the motorcycle manufacturer to denounce the
Nation of Islam as racist, which makes sense seeing as how the ride was
aimed to support the commemoration of the Million Man March, and the march
is intended to support the Black Lives Matter movement.
Here’s a statement from Harley-Davidson regarding the incident…
“Harley-Davidson of Washington DC, an independently owned dealership,
has informed us that they will no longer serve as a meeting point for the
Ride for Justice. We also want you to know we are not and have never have
been a sponsor of this event.”
Who are we kidding?
This is an Islamic event set up to encourage the BLM movement, so of course
it should not take place.
Asking for the franchisee’s license to be revoked is harsh, but the point
is that a message was sent: Bikers and Islam don’t mix!
发帖数: 10729
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穆斯林组织在白宫门口聚餐果然来了, 穆斯林领袖号召放下美国国旗
爱尔兰歌手转伊斯兰后,说再也不跟白人混了,结果神马是nation of Islam
今年白宫没有斋月晚餐Maxine Waters Attended Nation Of Islam Convention
德国荷兰摩托车飞车党很有种阿Trump: 'Trade wars are good, and easy to win'
因煽动种族战争,奥巴马和BLM创始人等被起诉Chicago tribune: Louis Farrakhan's anti-Semitism and the s
Bikers For Trump获得了宣誓日示威许可。床铺贸易战初见成效:Harley-Davidson把厂子搬国外去了,哈哈
foxnews 刚刚在讨论巴马参加 the Million Man March 的事情床铺贸易战初见成效: Harley-Davidson把厂子搬国外去了,哈哈
民智孱弱至此,还鸡巴搞神马民煮。擦我靠,原来这是摩托党的惯用伎俩来讹钱的, 俗称碰瓷
话题: harley话题: islam话题: nation话题: davidson话题: dealership