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USANews版 - 非法移民告密苏里州,要求降低学费
假眼泪认栽了 哈哈 没种起诉啊墨西哥政府准备好接受被遣返的非法移民 (转载)
trump 说不定要 提 那个女的 Amy -试水?HSS:Don't use Dreamer data for deportations
Ted Cruz: 'We Must Put a Stop to President Obama's Amnesty'Starbucks跟床铺死磕了,要雇佣一万难民,哈哈 (转载)
马桶回答记者采访:怎么看待非法移民投票?川普要大赦了。fox news。。。
话题: missouri话题: students话题: preamble话题: tuition话题: preambles
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 29846
Three illegal immigrants, shielded from deportation by President Obama’s
Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, are suing three Missouri
colleges, charging the schools’ tuition is too high.
The Missouri branch of the American Civil Liberties Union filed three
separate suits on behalf of the unnamed illegal immigrant students against
the University of Missouri, St. Louis Community College and the Metropolitan
Community College in Kansas City this week calling for the students to
receive in-state tuition rates.
“It is shameful to treat DACA students like outcasts, when they have lived,
worked and gone to schools in this country since they were children,” Tony
Rothert, legal director of the ACLU of Missouri, said in a statement.
At issue is the preamble to an education appropriations bill Missouri Gov.
Jay Nixon signed this year.
The preamble to the legislation states:
[T]hat no funds shall be expended at public institutions of higher
education that offer a tuition rate to any student with an unlawful
immigration status in the United States that is less than the tuition rate
charged to international students, and further provided that no scholarship
funds shall be expended on behalf of students with an unlawful immigration
status in the United States.
The ACLU argues that the students are being charged higher tuition rates due
to the preamble, however, the group claims, the preamble is not enforceable
, non-binding, and should not apply to their illegal immigrant clients.
“It is a well-established rule of statutory interpretation that preambles
to statutes do not create substantive law,” the lawsuits state. “When
statutes are ambiguous, preambles can be used to interpret statutory
enactments but, on their own, preambles are not binding statutory authority.

Regardless of the interpretation, the ACLU says public colleges and
universities should be welcoming to those willing to work hard.
“Our Missouri public institutions of higher learning exist to open the
doors of opportunity to hard-working students striving to get ahead. Now,
there are extreme financial burdens being put on the backs of students
already struggling to achieve their goals of higher education,” Jeffrey A.
Mittman, the group’s executive director, added. “To punish students who
had no say in how they arrived in this country is not only mean-spirited, it
is against the law.”
发帖数: 10729
“To punish students who had no say in how they arrived in this country is
not only mean-spirited, it is against the law.”
草。那punish你入侵的国家,which clearly stated thou shalt not enter,让你继
1 (共1页)
川普要大赦了。fox news。。。Ted Cruz: 'We Must Put a Stop to President Obama's Amnesty'
川普強硬移民政策 2大障礙北卡已经发现投票舞弊
白色恐怖 dreamer出来演讲被 ICE 抓捕40万非法移民在加州享受免费医疗服务
假眼泪认栽了 哈哈 没种起诉啊墨西哥政府准备好接受被遣返的非法移民 (转载)
trump 说不定要 提 那个女的 Amy -试水?HSS:Don't use Dreamer data for deportations
话题: missouri话题: students话题: preamble话题: tuition话题: preambles