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USANews版 - 德国默克尔作茧自缚
瑞典接受大量穆斯林移民, 愚蠢至极欧元区失业率达到创纪录的12.1%
Dr. Sowell轰多元文化主义歇斯底里62%德国人反对进一步救助希腊
德经济学家预测难民会让德国耗费9000亿欧元好日望头 德国政府驱逐老年人为难民让出房屋居住 zz
10-yr boy raped by Refugee一德国佬把31个难民用车运到默克尔的办公室
话题: eu话题: border话题: merkel话题: greece话题: refugees
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Merkel Seeks to "Europeanise" Border Controls; Emergency EU Meeting Called
Emergency EU Meeting Called
Animosity over millions of migrants entering the EU has finally reached the
crisis stage. In an emergency meeting this weekend, called by German
chancellor Angela Merkel, EU Leaders to Hammer Out Continental Response to
Migrant Crisis.
European leaders will hold an emergency summit this weekend in an
attempt to bring order to the tide of migrants crossing the western Balkans.
The hastily arranged meeting in Brussels comes after weeks of tit-for-
tat border closures in Hungary, Slovenia and Croatia, which have led to
thousands of migrants being stranded in increasingly difficult conditions in
southeastern Europe.
The crisis has triggered a dramatic deterioration of relations between
governments in the region, with Slovenian prime minister Miro Cerar
attacking Croatia’s handling of the situation. Slovenia this weekend called
in the army to help cope with the influx, sparking concern among diplomats
in Brussels.
At the meeting on Sunday, Ms Merkel is expected to push for increased
efforts to “Europeanise” border controls. The chancellor believes that
unless the influx is brought to a halt, finding a solution to where refugees
will be resettled or relocated will be nearly impossible.
In an effort to ease the pressure, German chancellor Angela Merkel will
meet leaders from nine other countries on the so-called “western Balkans
route”, which has become the main route for people trying to reach Europe.
Brussels’s plans involves a potential “structural” resettlement
programme early next year. Officials will look at basing the proposals on
recommendations from UNHCR, which has called on the EU to take in up to 200,
000 people from refugee camps in countries such as Turkey and Lebanon.
This mass resettlement will come on top of the agreed “relocation” of
160,000 asylum seekers from Italy and Greece to other EU countries, which
was introduced after a fierce diplomatic bust-up between Berlin and its
eastern neighbours.
Berlin has attempted to toughen its stance on refugees and is
considering using military transport aircraft to ferry unsuccessful asylum
seekers back to their homelands in a bid to win over an increasingly
sceptical German public.
The eight EU member states set to attend the summit are Austria,
Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Hungary, Romania and Slovenia, along with Germany
, which is still the favoured destination for most people heading to Europe.
Non-EU countries including Macedonia and Serbia will also attend the
Migration Path
Border Controls
Germany-Czech Republic
Closed Borders
Merkel Seeks to "Europeanise" Border Controls
Catchy phrases like "Europeanise border controls" won't do a damn thing.
What the hell does "Europeanise" border controls even mean? I doubt if the
Chancellor herself has any idea.
Merkel opened herself up to this mess by ram-rodding through a hugely
unpopular proposal to relocate 160,000 asylum seekers from Italy and Greece
to other EU countries over the course of a year.
I said that would be woefully short and it was. Now they seek another 200,
000 more and it won't stop there.
As it stands, there are over 2 million refugees in Turkey, many of whom are
making their way towards the border with Greece.
If the refugees in Turkey make their way to the EU, it's a potential influx
of 164,000 a month.
Greece cannot handle the inflow.
Real Solution
The problem will not go away unless and until there is a broad consensus
effort to stop all economic refugees while simultaneously removing the
refugees' incentive to relocate.
One convenient choke point is the small border between Turkey and Greece. I
suggest Greece should block it. That might force Turkey close off its
Southern border.
Why do the refugees want to relocate to Germany?
Because Germany offers the most free services, food, and shelter. There is
an unlimited demand for free food free shelter, and free services.
And that is the crux of the problem. The EU needs to remove the incentive
for economic refugees to relocate to European countries coupled with much
tighter border controls.
But Merkel refuses to do that. As it stands, this crisis will be her undoing
. As I said the other day, "Peak Merkel" has arrived.
1 (共1页)
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瑞典接受大量穆斯林移民, 愚蠢至极欧元区失业率达到创纪录的12.1%
Dr. Sowell轰多元文化主义歇斯底里62%德国人反对进一步救助希腊
话题: eu话题: border话题: merkel话题: greece话题: refugees