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USANews版 - AZ好样的,再次重拳出击打击非法移民
塑料袋: 亚利桑那和墨西哥加州共和国做的正相反非法移民的9个事实
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话题: smith话题: senate话题: said话题: arizona
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 29846
PHOENIX (AP) — The Arizona Legislature made its latest foray into the
immigration debate on Wednesday by giving initial approval to stiffer
penalties for immigrants who break the law while in the country illegally,
forbidding judges from giving them any leniency in the courts.
Arizona passed a series of immigration crackdowns last decade that
culminated with the approval of SB 1070, which launched protests, lawsuits
and national controversy with its provision requiring police to try and
determine the immigration status of people during routine stops.
The Republican-dominated Legislature has largely avoided passing immigration
proposals since SB 1070, although Sen. Steve Smith, R-Maricopa, has
sponsored several measures in recent years that have gone nowhere.
Smith chairs the Senate committee that passed a pair of measures targeting
immigration Wednesday. Smith said he sponsored the bills to ensure that
everyone is following the letter of the law.
Sen. Lupe Contreras, D-Avondale, was the only Latino on the committee and
the only member to vote against both measures.
"We need to fight for the rights of every person good, bad or indifferent,"
Contreras said. "When we start classifying certain laws to do certain things
to certain individuals, I can't stand for it."
The committee passed a measure requiring judges to sentence people to the
fullest possible term in jail or prison for new crimes when they have
already violated immigration laws.
Smith said the bill came in response to a case from last year in which an
immigrant who entered the country illegally and was out on bail for a
separate crime shot and killed a 21-year-old convenience store employee over
a pack of cigarettes. His proposal is designed to ensure that people who
already broke immigration laws are penalized if they violate state laws,
Smith said.
Contreras said the measure could violate the Constitution's equal protection
clause, but Smith countered that immigrants who are in the country
illegally do not have equal protections under law.
"People who are not citizens of this country are not afforded the same
rights as our citizens," Smith said. "You can like that or you can not like
that. I don't care. That is the law."
Another bill by the Maricopa lawmaker would take state revenue grants from
any municipality that enacts sanctuary-city policies benefiting immigrants.
Such polices are already illegal in Arizona as a result of SB 1070, but
Smith's bill adds penalties.
"All we are saying is, 'If you can't follow the law you aren't going to get
paid,' " Smith said.
The measure defines a sanctuary city as any municipality that limits federal
authorities from enforcing immigration laws and violates application
requirements for public benefits that require proof of citizenship.
The state does not currently have any sanctuary cities, said Dale Wiebusch,
who lobbies for the League of Arizona Cities and Towns.
Still, the measure could affect Phoenix if it enacts a city-issued ID
program that would allow residents, including immigrants who have entered
the country illegally, to receive banking services, report crimes and get a
library card.
The Senate Public Safety, Military and Technology Committee passed Senate
Bill 1377 on a 5-1 vote and Senate Bill 1378 on a 4-1 vote with Sen. Barbara
McGuire, D-Kearny, not voting on the second measure.
The proposals will now undergo a standard constitutional review before going
to a Senate vote.
发帖数: 10729
发帖数: 10729
发帖数: 2134

【在 T*********I 的大作中提到】
: 这完全是联邦的失职。这事情本来该联邦管。我们纳税人都交了钱了。结果穆斯林总统
: 不管。结果我们还得再花一份给州的税钱来干这个事情。
: 穆斯林总统不仅不管,还要搞大赦。
: 奥巴马这是渎职啊。

1 (共1页)
Obama: Legalize illegals to get them health care难道不觉得德州真的有点恐怖耶? (转载)
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塑料袋: 亚利桑那和墨西哥加州共和国做的正相反非法移民的9个事实
Sheriff Joe: 'We're Going to be Flooded' With Illegal Immig (转载)左右之分
san jose暴力ABC报道移民增多,美国犯罪率下降
话题: smith话题: senate话题: said话题: arizona