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USANews版 - 穷学生的学费应该比别人低算不算歧视?
以前没有留意到,本版偏右Benghazi Victim's Father Flips Script When CNN Asks Him About Trump And Khizr Khan
川谱到底有没有mental illness???Eric Trump says father apologized to Khans (but he hasn't)Khan又出来骂trump了
转: 对比politically correct = 美国的文字狱
3 Examples of the Media Double Standard With Trump and ClintonHow and When to Discriminate?
胖州长也要造反了,都等着疮破崩盘后上位阿!在什么情况下“大家都超速,怎么只抓我”是犯法的 (转载)
Really, How Trump Should Have Responded to the Khans’ Words?Ann Coulter这是对新教育部长开火了吗?
Trump meeting 6 gold star families曼哈顿的法官ok: political discrimination不是歧视
班加西寡妇愤怒质问Khans: "为什么是你儿子的死比我丈夫更悲威州共产工会的diang棍们,个个都拿着六位数的纳税人血汗.
话题: free话题: poor话题: wage话题: wasik
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 29846
College Tuition and the “Right to Free Services”
Posted by mishgea | March 5, 2016 9:30:36 |
Do poor people have the right to free services just because they are poor?
I ask that question after reading Debt-Free Colleges: Schools That Won’t
Saddle You With Loans by Forbes contributer John Wasik.
Wasik notes that grants are based on needs. Family income limits range from
$40,000 to 60,000, but grants also depend on number of wage earners in the
household, single parents, whether a child is a dependent and a whole range
of other financial factors.
Divorce, medical expenses, job loss, etc. also make a huge difference in
whether you’re considered for the non-loan offer.
Finally, you need to be an above-average student just to get in the door.
Reverse Discrimination
Reader Marty emailed this comment on the practice: “Poor people should not
be entitled to attend elite colleges for nothing. Someone has to pay. This
practice is more redistribution ‘justice’, especially applicable to low-
income persons admitted using discrimination or reverse discrimination
Wage Discrimination
Charging people what they can afford to pay constitutes wage discrimination.
If the same practice applied to restaurants, the poor would eat Filet Mignon
at fancy restaurants for free, while the middle class would pay $200 and
the wealthy $2,000 for the same meal.
The Real Solution
The real solution, as I have pointed out many times, is free online
education from places like the Khan Academy and Coursera.
Inexpensive online education is the future. Student debt and socialist
handouts are the past.
发帖数: 36302
1 (共1页)
South Carolina Immigration Case Tests New Deportation PolicyReally, How Trump Should Have Responded to the Khans’ Words?
FCC Yanks Invasive Newsroom QuestionnaireTrump meeting 6 gold star families
俄亥俄州人民对大麻合法化说No班加西寡妇愤怒质问Khans: "为什么是你儿子的死比我丈夫更悲
以前没有留意到,本版偏右Benghazi Victim's Father Flips Script When CNN Asks Him About Trump And Khizr Khan
川谱到底有没有mental illness???Eric Trump says father apologized to Khans (but he hasn't)Khan又出来骂trump了
转: 对比politically correct = 美国的文字狱
3 Examples of the Media Double Standard With Trump and ClintonHow and When to Discriminate?
话题: free话题: poor话题: wage话题: wasik