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USANews版 - Secret service的人已經在保護Trump童鞋了
三德子有发表声明要自己的支持者停止暴力活动吗?Nearly HALF Of Sanders Supporters Might Switch To Trump
Trump protester faces federal charge for attempting to rush stageTrump to woo Bernie
新的攻击者被曝了,职业抗议者北卡司机拒助抛锚路边的三德子女支持者- and it's Trump's fault
Bernie现在强调大家不要投Protest Votewhat a shame
听上去闹场的主要是sanders supportersJill Stein's Recount 2016 Scam Exposed
Rush on Friday incident川普的拉励
话题: trump话题: saturday话题: he话题: supporters话题: his
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 29846
Published on CNS News http://www.cnsnews.com
Trump rejects calls to temper tone at his campaign events
VANDALIA, Ohio (AP) — One day after well-organized protesters led Donald
Trump to cancel a campaign rally before it even started, the Republican
presidential front-runner coldly rejected calls on Saturday to temper the
tone of his events. He called such protesters a "disgrace" and blamed them
for fueling violent confrontations at his rallies.
The intensity of the hostility Trump faces among those opposed to his
candidacy was underscored Saturday morning in Ohio. Secret Service agents
briefly rushed the stage to form a protective circle around Trump after a
man leapt over a barricade and charged toward the billionaire businessman.
The man, later identified by authorities as Thomas Dimassimo of Fairborn,
Ohio, was able to physically touch the stage before he was tackled by
security officials. He was later charged with disorderly conduct and
inducing panic.
Trump's rallies in recent weeks have been marked by frequent clashes between
his supporters and protesters, many of whom are young African-Americans and
Latinos. Earlier this week, video footage captured a white man punching an
African-American protester as police led him out of a North Carolina rally.
On Saturday, Trump's rivals for the Republican nomination harshly criticized
Trump for what had been taking place at his events.
Ohio Gov. John Kasich said Trump had "created a toxic environment" that "has
allowed his supporters and those who sometimes seek confrontation to come
together in violence." Marco Rubio accused Trump of "dividing both the party
and the country so bitterly" that the Florida senator said he may not be
able to support Trump if he becomes the GOP nominee.
But Trump on Saturday rejected the suggestion that he or his supporters were
to blame, instead laying responsibility at the feet of protesters he panned
as "a disgrace."
"They want me to tell my people, 'Please be nice.' My people are nice,"
Trump said.
Trump also railed against the protesters for preventing him from speaking
Friday night in Chicago. The decision to cancel the event was made to
prevent violence, he said.
"We cannot let our First Amendment rights be taken away from us, folks. We
can't let it happen," he said. "We have a right to speak."
Later Saturday, at a rally in Cleveland where protesters sporadically
interrupted him, Trump predicted that the images of Chicago would only
embolden his supporters.
"It just makes all of our friends and supporters more angry," he said, and
predicted a "resounding victory" on Tuesday.
The announcement that Trump would postpone the Friday night rally led a
large portion of the crowd inside the University of Illinois at Chicago
Pavilion to break out into raucous cheers. Many rushed onto the floor,
jumping up and down with their arms up in the air to celebrate.
Several said afterward they had organized in advance with the intent of
keeping Trump from speaking and were supporters of Democratic candidate
Bernie Sanders. Trump said Saturday it was Sanders who should be telling his
supporters to stop the interruptions.
"They're Bernie fans!" Trump said in Cleveland. "Hey, Bernie, get your
people in line, Bernie!"
发帖数: 2980
发帖数: 14241
发帖数: 1997
发帖数: 3678
Carson 也在内。
FBI 是非常赞的。
发帖数: 1649

【在 l****z 的大作中提到】
: Published on CNS News http://www.cnsnews.com
: Trump rejects calls to temper tone at his campaign events
: VANDALIA, Ohio (AP) — One day after well-organized protesters led Donald
: Trump to cancel a campaign rally before it even started, the Republican
: presidential front-runner coldly rejected calls on Saturday to temper the
: tone of his events. He called such protesters a "disgrace" and blamed them
: for fueling violent confrontations at his rallies.
: The intensity of the hostility Trump faces among those opposed to his
: candidacy was underscored Saturday morning in Ohio. Secret Service agents
: briefly rushed the stage to form a protective circle around Trump after a

1 (共1页)
川普的拉励Bernie现在强调大家不要投Protest Vote
问到免费教育的钱哪里来, 丧德子支持者说不知道听上去闹场的主要是sanders supporters
Bernie 支持者猛打一气之后才发觉原来打错人了,哈哈哈Rush on Friday incident
三德子有发表声明要自己的支持者停止暴力活动吗?Nearly HALF Of Sanders Supporters Might Switch To Trump
Trump protester faces federal charge for attempting to rush stageTrump to woo Bernie
新的攻击者被曝了,职业抗议者北卡司机拒助抛锚路边的三德子女支持者- and it's Trump's fault
话题: trump话题: saturday话题: he话题: supporters话题: his