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USANews版 - 大统令对自己没有轰炸叙利亚的决定感到自豪 (转载)
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话题: obama话题: he话题: assad话题: said话题: decision
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发帖数: 61690
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: brihand (brihand), 信区: Military
标 题: 大统令对自己没有轰炸叙利亚的决定感到自豪
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Mar 14 18:53:57 2016, 美东)
Obama Says He's Proud of Pulling Back From Syria Airstrikes
President Barack Obama said he's proud of the moment he pulled the U.S.
from the brink of launching airstrikes against the government of Syrian
President Bashar Assad, calling it the right decision to make.
In interviews with The Atlantic magazine published Thursday, Obama also
called out U.S. allies who call for tougher U.S. action in Mideast conflicts
but fail to take risks themselves, describing them as "free-riders." He
cast the sectarian conflicts roiling the region as a competition between
Iran and close U.S. partner Saudi Arabia, and he urged both to find "an
effective way to share the neighborhood."
Of his 2013 decision not to strike Assad's government, he said: "I'm very
proud of this moment."
"For me to press the pause button at that moment, I knew, would cost me
politically," Obama said. "And the fact that I was able to pull back from
the immediate pressures and think through in my own mind what was in America
's interest, not only with respect to Syria but also with respect to our
democracy, was as tough a decision as I've made."
Obama had been close to ordering strikes to punish Assad for using chemical
weapons against Syrians, with plans for military action ready to go. At the
last minute, he said he'd ask for permission from Congress. The strikes
never happened.
The reversal has become a prime example cited by those who argue Obama has
lost his credibility in the Middle East, having failed to take action
despite threatening that Assad's use of chemical weapons would cross a "red
line" and trigger tough U.S. response. To Obama's critics, the "red line"
epitomizes his reluctance to use U.S. leadership and military might to
promote U.S. interests in a dangerous region.
Obama acknowledged the broad perception that "America's credibility was at
stake" in the 2013 decision not to strike. Yet he said that "ultimately it
was the right decision to make."
In the interviews, which took place over many months, Obama offered an
unusually blunt assessment of American allies in Europe and in the Persian
Gulf region, especially regarding Libya, where a 2011 NATO intervention
backed by the U.S. led to a vacuum of power that has fueled chaos and
allowed extremist groups to thrive. Obama acknowledged that the intervention
"didn't work," but also faulted allies who are closer geographically to
Libya for relying too much on the U.S.
"What has been a habit over the last several decades in these circumstances
is people pushing us to act but then showing an unwillingness to put any
skin in the game," Obama said. Asked if he meant they were free-riders,
Obama repeated, "Free-riders."
发帖数: 620
发帖数: 2054
在他看来, 乌克兰应该是德国的问题,


【在 b*****d 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
: 发信人: brihand (brihand), 信区: Military
: 标 题: 大统令对自己没有轰炸叙利亚的决定感到自豪
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Mar 14 18:53:57 2016, 美东)
: Obama Says He's Proud of Pulling Back From Syria Airstrikes
: President Barack Obama said he's proud of the moment he pulled the U.S.
: from the brink of launching airstrikes against the government of Syrian
: President Bashar Assad, calling it the right decision to make.
: In interviews with The Atlantic magazine published Thursday, Obama also
: called out U.S. allies who call for tougher U.S. action in Mideast conflicts

1 (共1页)
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Comparing Romney and Obama on Syria拉里很活跃阿
Given the Obama doctrine, won't we soon be bombing Syria?Trump响应希拉里的号召,这太幽默了
话题: obama话题: he话题: assad话题: said话题: decision