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USANews版 - 赞TRUMP has finally inspired me to leave Islam
大统领回家省亲The truth of Islam : From a Muslim's own mouth.
How Honest of a Cross-Section Is "All-American Muslim?"穆斯林被川普吓坏了,要离开美国回自己祖国去
一句话驳斥lobsterparty的千字长文一名海湾战争退役军人给Khizr Khan的公开信
辟谣:@realDonaldTrump: I didn't suggest a database-a reporter did.一个女穆斯林讲述她为什么支持川普
Combating what the comics are calling Islamophobia?CAIR: 床总获得的穆斯林投票比罗姆尼多两倍
话题: trump话题: my话题: islam话题: me话题: want
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 10729
Hey the_donald, I'm a 19 year old girl living in America with muslim
immigrant parents. Until yesterday, I had not once removed my Hajib in my
life while outside. I tried to do it once when I was 10 years old, and my
parents grounded me for a week.
Let me tell you something right now, there are no "moderate muslims". There
are no "assimilated muslims". Throughout my life, I have been to three
different mosques regularly. Everyone there had some kind of animosity to
America. Either they support jihadist actions outright or they refuse to
condemn them, or they victim blame christians and the west. Every time
theres a terrorist attack, all over the media there are reports of muslims
who speak out against jihad or protest terrorists.
This is bullshit.
The last time I went to service at my mosque was right after the Brussels
attack. You want to know how many of them were condemning it? 0. Not a
single one. My parents over facebook (which they refuse to let me post
publically to) both started complaining about Islamophobia that would sprout
. Not even a faux prayer for the victims. I've been secretly watching Trump
and his speeches for the last few months, and agreeing with what he says
about Islam. This religion is fucking garbage. You want to know what people
at my mosque say to me when I ask them about Trump or about terrorists
crossing the border?
"Don't speak woman"
I have internalized this all my life and just recently I had joined a
feminist group on campus where there were a surprising number of Trump
supporters, who have helped me through this. While they didn't push me to
take off my hajib and renounce Islam, Ive decided to do it myself. My
parents have not assimilated. None of my "friends" from mosque have either.
I want to be a doctor, I want to have sex, I want to walk around town
without a male chaperone. None of these things are permitted. Let me be
clear, no muslim girl is wearing a hajib by choice. They know that if they'
re caught without one, they WILL be punished. My parents will probobly
disown me when they find out, but fuck it.
The worst part is all the liberals on campus apologizing for mulims,
especially the Bernie girls going around wearing Hajibs "in solidarity".
Well congratulations, you are officially a conquered people of the caliphate
. When liberals do this and encourage more muslims to enter the country,
people at the mosques are not sighing in relief that whites aren't racist,
they are giddy that they are accepting the new islamic state so easily.
Only Trump is standing up to these animals. We don't want a single one in
our country. If Trump doesn't win, I will happily die the last woman not
covering her head. Liberals have no idea what Islam really is.
发帖数: 2808
大赞!这个女孩说到点子上了。 面对布鲁塞尔的恐怖袭击,穆斯林的态度就两点: 1.
窃喜。2. 大声谴责西方国家的伊斯兰恐惧症。
发帖数: 9531
发帖数: 10469
发帖数: 276
要求政府除了在好区间section 8的房子外,应该强制在穆斯林区建LGBT房子,或者把

【在 m********g 的大作中提到】
: 回子教就是围城,里面的要出来,极左甜妈龙虾吃多了要进去。或许甜妈就是回子
1 (共1页)
The world's fastest growing religion?辟谣:@realDonaldTrump: I didn't suggest a database-a reporter did.
奥地利新选上的这个还真是右派Combating what the comics are calling Islamophobia?
大统领回家省亲The truth of Islam : From a Muslim's own mouth.
How Honest of a Cross-Section Is "All-American Muslim?"穆斯林被川普吓坏了,要离开美国回自己祖国去
话题: trump话题: my话题: islam话题: me话题: want