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USANews版 - Moveone.org又要干坏事了
已经有两个选举人表示不选trump了! (转载)有一个德州的选举人不会投票给trump
六个三粉electors的奇葩战术NYT: How Would the Electoral College Dump Trump?
希拉里班子要求选举人投票前考虑俄国阴谋干涉大选BREAKING NEWS:床铺当选的合法性受到严重质疑
床铺12月19日有被选举人造反的风险No intel briefing for Electoral College members
话题: trump话题: moveon话题: violence话题: campaign话题: his
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 3173
Dear MoveOn member,
Let me get right to it: An overwhelming number of MoveOn members want MoveOn
to launch a massive campaign to confront Donald Trump and the bigotry,
misogyny, and violence his campaign is fueling. Over 70% of the votes cast
in last week's membership-wide vote agreed.
Now, we need to invest in a mobilization big enough to take on a media-
dominating billionaire and to face down the dark forces of hate and violence
he has unleashed. That won't be cheap, and it won't be easy—but it's
essential for the safety of our neighbors and communities and for the
preservation and expansion of our democracy.
Will you pitch in $3 to an electoral and cultural campaign to mobilize
voters, empower communities, send a national message that "We are better
than this," and keep Trump and his hate-baiting, misogyny, racism, and
violence out of the White House?
Yes, I'll chip in to help defeat Donald Trump.
Some of you may be wondering: What's the big deal? Of course we all dislike
Donald Trump—and polls show most Americans agree with us.
Here's why this is so important: Republicans waited too long to recognize
what a threat he is, which is why he's now barreling toward the GOP
nomination. We can't make the same mistake.
Plus, his campaign is inciting actual acts of violence and giving mainstream
legitimacy to racist, sexist, xenophobic views.1 It's not enough to beat
Trump in November. We need to push back against the violence now and
discredit the hateful and bigoted ideas that have energized his campaign.
Pitch in $3 if you're ready to start tackling the hatred and the violence
right now.
This is about more than a straightforward electoral fight—which is why we'
re going to rely on more than straightforward electoral tactics.
With your help, we are going to:
reach and mobilize new voters with state-of-the-art voter outreach and
get-out-the-vote strategies;
support Muslim Americans, immigrants, women, and others who have been
targeted by Trump-inspired violence, including teaming up with local leaders
for nonviolent and creative demonstrations carrying the message that "Love
trumps hate";
work with artists and public figures to loudly rebuke Trump's hateful
stances through shareable digital content, creative ads, and other public
expression; and
hold accountable corporations, politicians, media figures, and anyone
who legitimizes Trump's hate-mongering, violence, racism, and misogyny.
This is a gut check for American democracy. We must step up to the moment
and show the world that we are better than this. Will you chip in $3?
Yes, I'll chip in to help jump-start this campaign.
Tens of thousands of MoveOn members wrote in with stories, sharing the
reasons they voted for MoveOn to take on Trump's hate. Here are a few:
Even the slight possibility that Trump could win the election is scary
enough to pull out all the stops. —Jim M., Providence, RI
Trump's rhetoric is leading to an escalation of violence at not only his
rallies, but also in America in general. We must speak out against hatred at
every opportunity. —Amber L., Allendale, MI
Because he will be a detriment to our economy, racial harmony, and a
security risk to our country. As a Navy veteran and mother of three racially
diverse daughters, I am committed like many to help keep him out of the
White House. He's not just a misogynist and bigot, he's going to cause World
War 3, in my opinion. —Rubi W., Virginia Beach, VA
I'm an American Muslim teenager who recently got a full-ride scholarship to
study at MIT. I shouldn't have to worry about my parents being deported back
to their home country. I should not have to worry about registering by
force of the government. I shouldn't have to worry about fleeing my home. —
Jeba S., Laveen, AZ
Trump is probably one of the most dangerous things that could happen to this
country in my lifetime (I am 28). If just his campaign alone can divide the
country and already incite violence, I don't want to wait and find out what
atrocities he would bring about as president. I also think, regardless, it
is needed in this time to stand in solidarity with Muslims, people of color,
and all the people that Trump is trying to oppress. —Guy S., San Francisco
, CA
Clearly "ignoring him until he goes away" isn't going to work, as Trump's
campaign keeps rolling on like a snowball going downhill! It's time to push
back before the avalanche of his ever-growing support smothers us all. —
Kris H., Philadelphia, PA
Will you chip in $3 to MoveOn's campaign to defeat Trump and the hate and
violence behind his campaign?
Yes, I'll chip in.
Thanks for all you do.
—Victoria, Ilya, Milan, Hannah, and the rest of the team
P.S. As part of the vote, we said we'll explore starting a Super PAC to
allow us to have the funds needed to run ads, hire organizers, reach
millions of voters, and more that would be used only for the general
election. We'll keep every MoveOn member posted if we move further that
direction. But MoveOn depends on members like you to fund this work. Can you
pitch in to fund this campaign?
发帖数: 1649


【在 c****a 的大作中提到】
: Dear MoveOn member,
: Let me get right to it: An overwhelming number of MoveOn members want MoveOn
: to launch a massive campaign to confront Donald Trump and the bigotry,
: misogyny, and violence his campaign is fueling. Over 70% of the votes cast
: in last week's membership-wide vote agreed.
: Now, we need to invest in a mobilization big enough to take on a media-
: dominating billionaire and to face down the dark forces of hate and violence
: he has unleashed. That won't be cheap, and it won't be easy—but it's
: essential for the safety of our neighbors and communities and for the
: preservation and expansion of our democracy.

1 (共1页)
No intel briefing for Electoral College members希拉里班子要求选举人投票前考虑俄国阴谋干涉大选
到现在为止,所有elector vote顺利进行,还没有一个意选举人投票前夕各方对选举人施加巨大压力
理论上讲,赢25%的popular vote,输75%,还能赢electoral床铺12月19日有被选举人造反的风险
已经有两个选举人表示不选trump了! (转载)有一个德州的选举人不会投票给trump
六个三粉electors的奇葩战术NYT: How Would the Electoral College Dump Trump?
话题: trump话题: moveon话题: violence话题: campaign话题: his