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话题: education话题: criminal话题: questions话题: colleges话题: obama
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 616
Administration Urges Colleges To Reconsider Questions About Applicants’
Criminal Records.
The New York Times (5/9, Saul, Subscription Publication) reports that the
Obama Administration “is urging universities and colleges to re-evaluate
how questions about an applicant’s criminal history are used in the
admissions process, part of an effort to remove barriers to education,
employment and housing for those with past convictions, in many cases for
minor crimes.” Education Secretary John King released a “Dear Colleague”
letter to higher education institutions on Monday, “along with a guide, ‘
Beyond the Box: Increasing Access to Higher Education for Justice Involved
Individuals,’” and among the guide’s recommendations “is a suggestion
that colleges consider delaying questions about criminal records until after
admissions decisions to avoid a ‘chilling effect’ on potential applicants
.” King said that “people who have been involved with the criminal justice
system ‘continue to face significant hurdles in obtaining access to higher
education or career training.’”
发帖数: 616
Judge: White House Showed “Bad Faith” In Global Warming Case.
In what that Washington Times (5/9, Dinan) calls “yet another stinging
rebuke to the administration for showing a lack of transparency,” Federal
Judge Amit P. Mehta ruled Monday that the White House “showed ‘bad faith’
in how it handled an open-records request for global warming data.” The
Times says Mehta’s ruling “granting legal ‘discovery’ in an open-records
case” is “an embarrassing black eye” for the President. The case in
question involves efforts by the Competitive Enterprise Institute “to force
the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy to release
documents backing up Director John C. Holdren’s finding that global warming
was making winters colder.” Holdren’s staff “first claimed they couldn’
t find many documents, then tried to hide their release, saying they were
all internal or were similar to what was already public,” all of which “
turned out not to be true.”
发帖数: 2858

【在 J*8 的大作中提到】
: Administration Urges Colleges To Reconsider Questions About Applicants’
: Criminal Records.
: The New York Times (5/9, Saul, Subscription Publication) reports that the
: Obama Administration “is urging universities and colleges to re-evaluate
: how questions about an applicant’s criminal history are used in the
: admissions process, part of an effort to remove barriers to education,
: employment and housing for those with past convictions, in many cases for
: minor crimes.” Education Secretary John King released a “Dear Colleague”
: letter to higher education institutions on Monday, “along with a guide, ‘
: Beyond the Box: Increasing Access to Higher Education for Justice Involved

发帖数: 616
事不关己,高高挂起 。
我不关心这个群体 想不想上大学 。这个做法本身是变相鼓励犯罪 。

【在 s*****n 的大作中提到】
: 这个没啥太大问题吧。那个群体里面想上大学的本来就不多。有这个想法很不错了。
: ”

发帖数: 2808
State Dept. faces questions over missing tape, amid scramble over WH aide's
Iran boast
Now, the administration is facing further questions over a block of missing
tape from a 2013 State Department briefing where top spokeswoman Jen Psaki
was asked by Fox News about an earlier claim that no direct, secret talks
were underway between the U.S. and Iran – when, in fact, they were.
In that exchange, Psaki seemed to acknowledge misleading the press, saying:
“There are times where diplomacy needs privacy in order to progress. This
is a good example of that.”
The Psaki comments, and prior department remarks, would appear to conflict
with a fresh claim by Rhodes that they “confirmed publicly” there were “
discreet channels of communication established with Iran in 2012.”
That Psaki exchange, however, was missing from the department’s official
website and its YouTube channel. The department now says it cannot explain
the deletion and is working to restore the material.
发帖数: 2808
Obama relents in fight over Fast and Furious documents
Four years after asserting executive privilege to block Congress from
obtaining documents relating to a controversial federal gun trafficking
investigation, President Barack Obama relented Friday, turning over to
lawmakers thousands of pages of records that led to unusual House votes
holding Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt in 2012.
In January, a federal district court judge rejected Obama's executive
privilege claim over records detailing the Justice Department and White
House's response to Operation Fast and Furious, a Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco
, Firearms and Explosives investigation that may have allowed as many as 2,
000 firearms to pass into the hands of Mexican drug cartels.
1 (共1页)
TRUMP 又完蛋了!泰德讲得不错啊
Travel ban又回来了宠物政治
昨天看到Ron Paul了Hillary这个得分哦
话题: education话题: criminal话题: questions话题: colleges话题: obama