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USANews版 - Hillary To ‘Black Lives Matter’ Activists: Maybe I’ll Just Talk To White People
Farrakhan: Don’t Fall For ‘Satan’ Hillary Clinton’s ‘Crap’Clinton, Obama, UN To Tell Us How To Raise Our Children
Full text of Bernie Sanders' DNC speech希拉里舔黑舔得这么厉害,还是被BLM咬了 (转载)
BLM Founder: The Clintons Use Black For VotesHillary能赢2016的101个原因
Alex Jones Asks Hillary Clinton Not to Kill Him(视频)为了这个社会的law and order也要跟希拉里死拼
Hillary Clinton's 3-Word Misstep: 'All Lives Matter'‘The Clintons Wish Weiner Would Just Disappear’
向黑人同志学习, 利益最大化对最近克老太基金会丑闻的详细解释
男克花$85万settle性骚扰案,钱从哪儿来的?bernie sanders被black lives matter activists赶下台了
话题: clinton话题: hillary话题: black话题: jones话题: change
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发帖数: 24594
Activists from the Black Lives Matter movement finally got some face time
with Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, and things did not
go well. Footage from the conversation, which took place in New Hampshire on
August 11, was finally released late Monday night and shows Hillary getting
testy with the black activists.
“The piece that’s most important, and I stand here in your space and I say
this as respectfully as I can,” Julius Jones, one of the activists, said
to Hillary Clinton, “but if you don’t tell black people what we need to do
, then we won’t tell you all what you need to do.”
“Well, I’m not telling you,” Clinton responded. “I’m just telling you
to tell me.”
“What I mean to say is that this is and has always been a white problem of
violence,” Jones continued. “There’s not much that we can do [as black
people] to stop the violence against us.”
That’s when the conversation got awkward.
“Respectfully, if that is your position, then I will talk only to white
people about how we are going to deal with the very real problems,” Clinton
snapped back, eliciting a wide-eyed look of horror from Daunasia Yancey,
the founder of Black Lives Matter in Boston who was standing directly to
Hillary Clinton’s left.
“That’s not why I mean. That’s not what I mean. That’s not what I mean,
” Jones told Clinton. “What you just said is a form of victim blaming. You
were saying what the Black Lives Matter movement needs to do to change
white hearts is–”
“Look, I don’t believe you change hearts,” Clinton shot back. “I believe
you change laws, you change allocation of resources, you change the way
systems operate. You’re not going to change every heart. You’re not.”
Jones talked about his encounter with Clinton during an MSNBC appearance on
Monday night. Jones said Clinton’s emphasis on policy change was
interesting given her role in setting up mass incarceration policy in the U.
“She doesn’t actually believe you can change hearts in the United States
and that the way to effect change is through systemic change. And at the
same time she was also ducking personal responsibility for the role that her
and her family played in it, too,” Jones told host Melissa Harris-Parry.
“She doesn’t actually feel like you can move this issue forward other than
through policy even though the policy mistakes that she and the Clintons
made got us in large degree to the situation that we are in today with mass
Hillary has also repeatedly called for more police & tougher prison
sentences. #HollupHillary http://t.co/6XXb5Olpsn pic.twitter.com/FVuUwjw0iD
1 (共1页)
bernie sanders被black lives matter activists赶下台了Alex Jones Asks Hillary Clinton Not to Kill Him(视频)
老太认错了Hillary Clinton's 3-Word Misstep: 'All Lives Matter'
clintons 的juicy 传言,有空的话很有意思向黑人同志学习, 利益最大化
Farrakhan: Don’t Fall For ‘Satan’ Hillary Clinton’s ‘Crap’Clinton, Obama, UN To Tell Us How To Raise Our Children
Full text of Bernie Sanders' DNC speech希拉里舔黑舔得这么厉害,还是被BLM咬了 (转载)
BLM Founder: The Clintons Use Black For VotesHillary能赢2016的101个原因
话题: clinton话题: hillary话题: black话题: jones话题: change