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USANews版 - 奥巴马访灾区,为什么选择灾情不严重的中产小区?(图)
3 Baton Rouge police feared dead in shooting我们白人都是神枪手,一枪消灭一个亚洲面孔
奥巴马对Baton Rouge袭警案的发言来了cnn都承认sterling确实犯罪了,cnn自己可能都没意识到.....
Louisiana cop sues Black Lives Matter加入我们吧
La. school voucher plan ruled unconstitutionalTrump: We demand law and order
话题: obama话题: zachary话题: livingston话题: black话题: rouge
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 6571
by Lee Stranahan24 Aug 2016
Breitbart News is in contact with a self-described “lifelong resident of
Zachary, a Baton Rouge suburb, and a black man” who’s laid out the truth
about economic conditions that Louisiana residents are facing.
President Barack Obama visited Zachary, after delaying a trip to Louisiana.
This brave and insightful citizen journalist reached out again with
perspective that the drive-by media won’t be bringing you about Obama’s
visit. It’s a perfect bookend to a piece by Louisiana State Senator Elbert
Guillory, the black attorney and politician who fled the Democrat party and
“hasn’t looked back.”
Our anonymous citizen journalist writes:
Three phases of this storm. First, Livingston parish was hit and that is
mostly conservative Republicans. Add a few subtle culture aspects of those
who are Cajun or live and adhere to country rural living, and the people in
Livingston Parish have the personalities that under these circumstances
would challenge President Obama. The Governor knows this and kept him away.
The second wave of the storm is what flooded various parts of Baton
Rouge. They have the first wave of backflow water that is now part of the
third phase, Ascension parish. These areas are black areas of the city and
black people here hate Democrat Mayor Kip Holden because they feel he didn’
t do enough during Alton Sterling killing. They wanted Kip to fire cops,
stand up for “the community” or at least show his face. His lack of
leadership really created a lot of animosity. During this storm kis has
mainly done phone in appearance and hasn’t shown his face. During the
demonstratios in July, you could see how angry the blacl people in Baton
Rouge were and they weren’t afraid to shout it back then to every TV camera
they could find. Again, everyone knew this and so it made sense to keep
Obama away from there, too, even though that area was hit very hard.
Up until President Obama landed, no one knew exactly where he was going.
The parish president of Livingston, one of the hardest hit areas, gave an
interview confirming the President would not be coming there. Trump and his
mini motorcade went to Livingston last week.
Pres. Obama chose Zachary; a black middle class subdivision. He visited
the Castle Place subdivision. It took a big hit, but it is one part of the
city of Zachary. Overall, Zachary as a city was at the bottom of the list in
terms of damage but as I wrote in my first letter, this is a peaceful
middle-class town. It’s the place least likely to produce anything to
disrupta photo-op.
Now it’s getting strange….
Obama went and visited a shelter here in Zachary that wasn’t
operational until somewhere between yesterday and today. That shelter in
Zachary that he visited wasn’t in the same neighborhood as he walked and
visited. The shelter was in Zachary, but across town.
Most of the people who have come here have been parking trailers in
family or friends yard and staying there.
Why would the city of Zachary open a shelter the day before opening
schools were back up, marshaling a ton of resources away from a supposed
shelter? Why would Obama visit a shelter that has hastily been put together
in a neighborhood, though flooded, was the only neighborhood flooded in a
city that was fully functional, aside from the school, through this entire
Yes, the hardest hit neighborhoods and cities—places where upwards of
90% of all homes and buildings were completely wiped out—have not supported
Obama politically or otherwise.
The city of Baton Rouge still had major shelters full, as does
Livingston and Ascension parish.
Let’s be frank: no way Gov. John Bel Edwards would have allowed Obama
to go to Livingston or Ascension parish because the people there would have
tested him, politely, and posed tough questions.
He’d also face a tough audience in Baton Rouge. Mayor Kip Holden is by
far the least popular person in the black community here, and it’s a direct
result of the Alton Sterling affair. Black people flat out hate him and the
professional public servants despise him.
The same highway where Black Lives Matter’s Deray McKesson and others
were arrested is now a valley of debris.
I hope I’m not stretching too far by saying this: I believe the
aftermath of the racial politics that rose from the Alton Sterling case
prevented Obama supporting those most severely affected by this disaster.
Mayor Kip Holden probably couldn’t guarantee a safe photo op for the
I am thankful the President is in the neighborhood of my sister here in
Zachary, but are officials scared of the response of the people who most
needed his visit?
If you know the character and personalities of those in the hardest hit
areas, someone would have without a doubt at minimum hit Obama with some
very uncomfortable questions.
发帖数: 6571
发帖数: 199

【在 g********2 的大作中提到】
: 不像灾区,像是收垃圾的那天。
发帖数: 6799
发帖数: 2808
影帝来了。要不是创普造成压力, 奥巴马根本不要来的。
发帖数: 9805

【在 r**********f 的大作中提到】
: 影帝来了。要不是创普造成压力, 奥巴马根本不要来的。
发帖数: 6519
Obama is afraid of his "sons" who will rob him


【在 g********2 的大作中提到】
: by Lee Stranahan24 Aug 2016
: Breitbart News is in contact with a self-described “lifelong resident of
: Zachary, a Baton Rouge suburb, and a black man” who’s laid out the truth
: about economic conditions that Louisiana residents are facing.
: President Barack Obama visited Zachary, after delaying a trip to Louisiana.
: This brave and insightful citizen journalist reached out again with
: perspective that the drive-by media won’t be bringing you about Obama’s
: visit. It’s a perfect bookend to a piece by Louisiana State Senator Elbert
: Guillory, the black attorney and politician who fled the Democrat party and
: “hasn’t looked back.”

发帖数: 6571
奥巴马专门说了,他可不是来photo op的。
发帖数: 333
夫球棒到灾区去可以找到 说辞!
1 (共1页)
今天袭警的黑人凶手曾是Nation Of Islam Member奥巴马警告GOP:说话注意点,别火上加油!
希拉里憋了七个小时,终于对今天的袭警案憋出一个反响La. school voucher plan ruled unconstitutional
3 Baton Rouge police feared dead in shooting我们白人都是神枪手,一枪消灭一个亚洲面孔
奥巴马对Baton Rouge袭警案的发言来了cnn都承认sterling确实犯罪了,cnn自己可能都没意识到.....
Louisiana cop sues Black Lives Matter加入我们吧
话题: obama话题: zachary话题: livingston话题: black话题: rouge