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USANews版 - Islamist infiltrators in German Army
Congressional Committees Nix Arms to Syrian RebelsEgypt's next parliament to be led by Islamist
欧洲国家彻底nc,完蛋了.Egypt's Brotherhood faces double backlash
ISIS Is Planning to Infiltrate the Southern BorderWhat if the Obama Administration Declared the Global War on Terror over…
American Islamists Find Common Cause with Pamela Geller说说我经历过的4场大选
孟加拉国伊斯兰主义者罢工抗议宪法去掉有关真主的词句,与警方冲突Hostages Dead in Bloody Climax to Siege in Algeria
'Democratic' Arab Spring Becoming an Islamist Arab WinterDavid Horowitz:奥巴马如何背叛了我们
Ultranconservative Islamists make gains in Egypt伊斯兰主义者正在控制叙利亚反对派武装
The Hundred Years’ German WarWhite House now accuses fellow Afghan vets of “swiftboating” Bergdahl
话题: german话题: islamist话题: army话题: military
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 9883
German Military Intelligence (MAD) is looking into nearly 300 cases of
potential extremists, including Islamist infiltrators in its ranks, and is
mulling tougher screening for recruits because of the situation, Die Welt
reports, citing military sources.
1 (共1页)
White House now accuses fellow Afghan vets of “swiftboating” Bergdahl孟加拉国伊斯兰主义者罢工抗议宪法去掉有关真主的词句,与警方冲突
2015年是美国本土穆斯林恐怖袭击最多的一年'Democratic' Arab Spring Becoming an Islamist Arab Winter
Clinton VP Tim Kaine’s Islamist TiesUltranconservative Islamists make gains in Egypt
China Pushes Back on Flynn’s ‘Radical Islamist’ RemarksThe Hundred Years’ German War
Congressional Committees Nix Arms to Syrian RebelsEgypt's next parliament to be led by Islamist
欧洲国家彻底nc,完蛋了.Egypt's Brotherhood faces double backlash
ISIS Is Planning to Infiltrate the Southern BorderWhat if the Obama Administration Declared the Global War on Terror over…
American Islamists Find Common Cause with Pamela Geller说说我经历过的4场大选
话题: german话题: islamist话题: army话题: military