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USANews版 - 一个OHIO的(白人?)对劳动的尊敬和向往及为啥支持川总
Hey there fellow centipede!女三德粉看完辩论后转投川普长篇心路历程
TRUMP在Ohio演讲有一万四千观众啊。好!this country is so fucked up
Rubio团队要求Ohio支持者选Kasich to stop Trumpsecret Donald Trump voters speak out
川扑不要脸了,被法官警告别威胁选民。law and orderTwitter上有人叫嚣趁川普访墨行刺他
OHIO的民主党告共和党大选日不准搞选票监督,法官判民主党赢My dinner with Donald: No bombast, bullying or bluster
假新闻网CNN今天又造谣抹黑老川了LIVE: Donald Trump Rally in Selma, NC 11/3/16
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发帖数: 10729
Why I want Donald J. Trump for President
#AmericaMatters (self.The_Donald)
submitted 3 hours ago by n0837 OH
Hello, fellow centipedes. I hope your shitposts are dank and your pepes are
rare this fine morning ;)
Growing up, I've seen the merit of hard work. I've seen what hard work gets
you. Thanks to my grandfather, we have a barn that still stands today. Did
he just sit there and let someone else do it? Did he sit there and just say
"it'll repair itself, it's fine"? No. He saw that a job needed to be done,
and he got it done. He, like me and others around me, believed in the simple
fact that hard work and determination is the only way to succeed in
anything you do.
Ever since I turned 15, I wanted to start working for the family that
provided for me for so long. I wanted to start doing what I loved to do and
I wanted to do it well, so that I could work hard and save money for college
. I needed a job, and there were none to behold. I only saw a few positions,
some of which required that I join a union, and my family has had nothing
but bad experiences with them. But, there aren't any jobs anymore. And that'
s a shame, it really is. It's been a year since I started looking, and I'm
an Ohio teenager who wants to work with computers, hell, even networking,
and I see nothing in my area that can contribute to this. So instead, I'm
taking advantage of online college offered by my school to start to get a
head start on schooling later in life.
Centipedes, I am tired of sitting on my ass doing practically nothing. I
want a job. I want to start working. I want to make some money, save money,
so that I can get a college education and start a nice career later down the
road. Vote for Trump, so that people like me who actually want to work can
get a job and do what they've wanted to do for so long.
Make America Great Again
/build wall
发帖数: 462


【在 T*********I 的大作中提到】
: Why I want Donald J. Trump for President
: #AmericaMatters (self.The_Donald)
: submitted 3 hours ago by n0837 OH
: Hello, fellow centipedes. I hope your shitposts are dank and your pepes are
: rare this fine morning ;)
: Growing up, I've seen the merit of hard work. I've seen what hard work gets
: you. Thanks to my grandfather, we have a barn that still stands today. Did
: he just sit there and let someone else do it? Did he sit there and just say
: "it'll repair itself, it's fine"? No. He saw that a job needed to be done,
: and he got it done. He, like me and others around me, believed in the simple

1 (共1页)
LIVE: Donald Trump Rally in Selma, NC 11/3/16Ohio已经开了<1%了?
Behold, Be Prepared for a Landslide Victory for Trump Tomo川扑不要脸了,被法官警告别威胁选民。law and order
Hey there fellow centipede!女三德粉看完辩论后转投川普长篇心路历程
TRUMP在Ohio演讲有一万四千观众啊。好!this country is so fucked up
Rubio团队要求Ohio支持者选Kasich to stop Trumpsecret Donald Trump voters speak out
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