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USANews版 - wsj的评论:why such people pay so much to Hillary
Has Donald J. Trump Actually Hurt You?版上龙虾族,别担心,川普成不了总统!
Like it or not more people wanted Hillary Clinton to be Pre (转载)伦敦市长发誓要帮助希拉里当选
Clinton Foundation amends four years of tax returns川谱领先稀拉利了
节日快乐!贴个Donald Trump的小笑话大家一起乐一乐 (转载)川普一语道破天机:希拉里为什么任命老公掌管经济
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Difference between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trumpit was Latin night at the club
Why Hillary Clinton Cannot Beat Donald Trump左逼这脑子是彻底坏掉了
KKK黨改支持希拉裡Hillary已经赢了2016 (转载)
话题: clinton话题: hillary话题: pay话题: clintons话题: cronies
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 44
Hillary Clinton has been fund raising for 30 years and is the queen of pay
for play. This bought and paid for politics is exactly what has given rise
to Donald Trump. Besides, the political elites in this country, like
Clinton, think they have all the answers and all they've done for the past
20 years is give away America's wealth and make themselves rich.
Clinton's donors are not every day people but rather cronies on high, paying
their JIzya tax in case Clinton wins. The corporate cronies know that to
survive a Hillary presidency they have to pay a fee to the empress
pay to play will only increase under a Clinton administration. These firms
have been paying the Clintons to get what they want for decades and they
like the system. They know the Clintons have been bought and can be bought
again and again
发帖数: 38600


【在 u**e 的大作中提到】
: 很有见地:
: Hillary Clinton has been fund raising for 30 years and is the queen of pay
: for play. This bought and paid for politics is exactly what has given rise
: to Donald Trump. Besides, the political elites in this country, like
: Clinton, think they have all the answers and all they've done for the past
: 20 years is give away America's wealth and make themselves rich.
: Clinton's donors are not every day people but rather cronies on high, paying
: their JIzya tax in case Clinton wins. The corporate cronies know that to
: survive a Hillary presidency they have to pay a fee to the empress
: pay to play will only increase under a Clinton administration. These firms

发帖数: 15326


【在 u**e 的大作中提到】
: 很有见地:
: Hillary Clinton has been fund raising for 30 years and is the queen of pay
: for play. This bought and paid for politics is exactly what has given rise
: to Donald Trump. Besides, the political elites in this country, like
: Clinton, think they have all the answers and all they've done for the past
: 20 years is give away America's wealth and make themselves rich.
: Clinton's donors are not every day people but rather cronies on high, paying
: their JIzya tax in case Clinton wins. The corporate cronies know that to
: survive a Hillary presidency they have to pay a fee to the empress
: pay to play will only increase under a Clinton administration. These firms

1 (共1页)
Hillary已经赢了2016 (转载)Trump could beat Hillary
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Has Donald J. Trump Actually Hurt You?版上龙虾族,别担心,川普成不了总统!
Like it or not more people wanted Hillary Clinton to be Pre (转载)伦敦市长发誓要帮助希拉里当选
Clinton Foundation amends four years of tax returns川谱领先稀拉利了
节日快乐!贴个Donald Trump的小笑话大家一起乐一乐 (转载)川普一语道破天机:希拉里为什么任命老公掌管经济
话题: clinton话题: hillary话题: pay话题: clintons话题: cronies